


by Margaret RegesA prominent Kölschrock band wielding a brand of gritty hard rock similar to AC,DC, Brings formed in 1991 with Harry Alfter, Christian Blüm, Matthias Gottschalk (who would eventually be replaced by Kai Engel), and brothers Paul and Stephan Brings. The group's first album, 1991's Zwei Zoote Minsche, shot to number three on the German charts, and the band's presence on the German Top 40 charts essentially continued over the course of the next 15 years. The band stirred up some controversy in 2006 with the single "Hay! Hay! Hay!"; the song's alleged pro-drug stance had Brings banned from the Cologne Karneval that year. The single's eponymous album hit stores in 2007.

别名 brings
Alias brings
Extra brings
Name brings
原始名称 Brings
名称 brings
地区 欧美

<info><id>74870</id><desc><![cdata[brings是德国科隆附近的一支乐队,这在科隆,演唱的大多数歌曲都是科隆当地方言。虽然名称类似的德语"bring it!",而这却是三位乐队成员的家族名字,其中一人是乐队的管理者同时也是其中两个成员的父亲。成立于1991年,该乐队专门在德国狂欢节期间表演。></desc><basic><item><key><![cdata[原文名></key><value><![cdata[brings></value></item></basic><other></other></info>

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