jerry l· wallace



jerry l. wallace,jerry l wallace was born in st. louis, missouri on february 9, 1951 and moved to kentucky in 1981 with general motors corvette plant. he has been acting and directing in theatre since 1985. since retiring in may 2004 has been acting in film, television and commercials. he is married and has five grown children.

中文名 jerry l. wallace
出生地 美国,密苏里州圣路易斯市
出生日期 1951-02-09
别名 jerry lee wallace
原始名称 Jerry L. Wallace
名称 jerry l· wallace
外文名 演员1951-02-09
年龄 68
星座 水瓶
身份 演员
  • 两周
  • 梦想奔驰
  • 温泉康复院
  • 精选上位词
  • the stranger的导演
  • 导演
  • 影视明星
  • 明星