


The film starts with a sneak peek before the camera starts grinding, as we see snippets of behind-the-scenes. The narrator introduces two character, the filmmakers, obsessed with the life of Jose Rizal. When the director starts talking to the camera, at once the set-up is established, it is a film within a film. The director, together with his writer, embarks on a probe in an attempt to capture Dr. Jose Rizal's "cinematic moments" in an investigative story of the Philippines' national hero. As we see the "film-in-progress," the director and writer not only focus on Jose Rizal's life, but his pervading influence in contemporary Philippine society. In a series of visual flashes, it is how rizal has been immortalized by countless filmmakers, historians and writers. His works have been endorsed by the government but censored by the Catholic Church. His heroism elevated him to a demigod by Rizal fanatics, at the same time downplayed by his permanence on the one peso coin. As the director continues to scrutinize Jose Rizal's controversial life, he is faced with too many unanswered questions. The director decides to stop production to re-focus his movie and probe deeper into Rizal's still contestable retraction document. The document contains the hero's statement that revokes all his works and writings, and renounces his affiliation to the Masonry to be able to go back to the Catholic fold. The director finds this unacceptable, knowing that a character like Rizal - who believed himself to be a born hero - would sign a document that takes back everything he stands for.

上映地区 菲律宾
上映时间 2000-02-16
中文名 第三世界英雄
别名 bayaning 3rd world
原始名称 第三世界英雄
国家 菲律宾
地区 菲律宾
外文名 bayaning third world
子类型 剧情
年份 2000
片长 93分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
英文名 bayaning third world
豆瓣短评数量 3
豆瓣长评数量 0

the director,together with his writer,embarks on a probe in an a...

  • mike de leon
  • mike
  • 编剧
  • clodualdo del mundo jr·
  • mike de leon
  • 语言
  • 塔加路语
  • 英语
  • 菲律宾语
  • 豆瓣短评
  • 451½°F™@@@2018-10-01@@@0@@@电影表现手法繁复多样,不过对不了解菲律宾与Jose Rizal历史的观众而言意义不大,中后段开始作者的主观臆想反而喧宾夺主,让关于对历史质疑的角度让位于材料(不知真伪)和观点的堆砌。
  • iamface@@@2018-07-24@@@0@@@以类似活动教材或舞台剧格局说出菲律宾国父的故事,在质疑在讽刺曾经及现在的种种,当作是认识一下菲律宾伟人未尝不可
  • 渡旻@@@2018-02-21@@@1@@@迈克里昂还是缺了些许灵气。kidlat仍然是把手法玩得灵活自如。迈克里昂则学用了手法进行元叙事、动画效果、怀疑历史真假等等,但看到后面感觉还是和奥胖、罗生门没太大区别。就像今年的至爱梵高一个一个追问回忆比较死板。虽领先于今敏的《千年女优》一年出现,但比较死板。