


.滚石杂志「史上百位最佳艺人」、入选2007摇滚名人堂,有着桂冠诗人头衔封号的庞克摇滚界教母最新专辑 .首张翻唱大碟,搜集Jimi Hendrix、Tears For Fears、The Rolling Stones、The Beatles、Jefferson Airplane、Bob Dylan、Nirvana等12首旷世经典,请来呛辣红椒疯狂贝斯手Flea以及Television吉他手Tom Verlaine助阵 庞克摇滚界的女英雌,有着桂冠诗人头衔封号的Patti Smith,虽然坚持不向商业市场靠拢,却仍赢得主流大厂的支持,持续在这30于年岁月中发行专辑。没有亮眼排行榜支撑,更只有一首歌进入流行单曲榜Top20之林中,却是开创庞克摇滚的重要人物,入选滚石杂志「史上百位最佳艺人」,成为摇滚名人堂荣誉会员。 1975年至2005年间推出过九张专辑,两张现场Live特辑与一张精选,距离转换新东家发行《Trampin》专辑至今过了三年光阴,此次第十张纪念性的大碟《Twelve》,是张别出心裁的翻唱特辑,搜集60-90年代最能打动Patti的怀念经典音符,与老搭档Tony Shanahan(Ryan Adams)、Lenny Kaye(Suzanne Vega、The Clash)、Jay Dee Daugherty(Indigo Girls、The Waterboys)…等人合力制作。对迷幻及前卫摇滚有着重大影响的吉他天才Jimi Hendrix创造经典示范盘〈Are You Experienced?〉,协同三位制作人丰富其编曲内涵,齐力打造出稳健开场作;翻唱Tears For Fears超级作〈Everybody Wants To Rule The World〉,出乎意料的谱进浓厚流行旋律,最Fun的一次演出,吉他Solo部分正是Patti儿子Jackson的助阵弹奏;严如小老百姓前线正义发声使者,民谣摇滚界大师级人物Neil Young的〈Helpless〉,Patti用声音刻划出音乐生命足迹,记载人生喜怒哀乐百态,简单的感动以及真挚之情溢于言表;史上最伟大的两组摇滚乐团The Rolling Stones与The Beatles,Patti则分挑了〈Gimme Shelter〉和〈Within You Without You〉,前曲更邀来Red Hot Chili Peppers的疯狂贝斯手Flea以及Television吉他手Tom Verlaine助阵,展现较为外放的摇滚捍劲;历届女声摇滚中Patti最爱Jefferson Airplane的Grace Slick,特选1967年夺下流行榜Top8的〈White Rabbit〉;民谣之父Bob Dylan的〈Changing Of The Guards〉,至今仍是让Patti莫名掉泪的歌曲;1967年首张同名专辑《The Doors》中的〈Soul Kitchen〉,将那份颓痞迷离音感表现的淋漓尽致;唯一一首90年代歌曲则选创造摇滚乐新局面的Nirvana惊世大作〈Smells Like Teen Spirits〉,完全去除Grunge的粗糙喧嚣,改以较为民谣式的调性组装,仍能感受那份热血气流快速流窜攀升;最后在Stevie Wonder的〈Pastime Paradise〉作为结束,虽然此曲在当时并未拿出作主打,却在1995年被饶舌歌手Coolio取样改编成冠军经典〈Gangsta's Paradise〉。经典的12乐章,体验最不一样的Patti,可以说每一首歌都是推荐曲! by Thom Jurek According to her brief liner notes, Patti Smith indulged the idea of a covers album, considering songs as far back as 1978 on the back pages of Jean Genet's Thief's Journal when she was still assembling her groundbreaking early catalog; it's evident she feels that covers have been part and parcel of her recording experience from the outset. Her debut, Horses, has her own apocalyptic version of Van Morrison's "Gloria" as well as a healthy portion of Chris Kenner's "Land of a Thousand Dances" inside "Land." On 1979's Wave she covered the Byrds "So You Want to Be (A Rock and Roll Star)," and scored with the single. Her intuitive reading of Bob Dylan's "Wicked Messenger" was a beautiful aspect of Gone Again in 1996, and she paid tribute to Allen Ginsberg by using one of his poems in "Spell," on 1997's Peace and Noise. And who can forget her reading of Pete Townshend's "My Generation" issued on the 30th Anniversary edition of Horses? While it's a popular notion these days to consider a covers album a stop-gap between albums, the truth is that Smith has never been in a hurry when it comes to recording, though she has been very productive over the last decade. She has always paid tribute in one form or another to her heroes, however disparate. This collection is a wondrous sampling of pop hits, hard rock, ballads, and soul done in Smith's inimitable way of interpreting songs -- by getting inside them and breathing their meaning, and often uncovering new shades of meaning -- from within. She begins with a newer, more spiritual reading of Jimi Hendrix's "Are You Experienced?" letting her fine band -- Jay Dee Daugherty, Lenny Kaye and Tony Shanahan -- pulse the tune's changes and vibe while she comes across as a shaman leading the way down into the underworld. Her taking on Tears for Fears' smash hit "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" may come as a surprise, but in her open-throated take, the tune brims with the wisdom of a prophetess proclaiming the folly of humankind's need for power and greed. And while her version of Neil Young's "Helpless" may come across as a bit too reverent, the seed of memory is what infuses her take on this beautiful ballad. Loss and remembrance become a memento mori, an effigy to those who who've traveled on from this plane of existence. "Gimme Shelter" is a natural, and it carries all the foreboding of an apocalypse out the original nearly 40 years later as if to say that Jagger and Richard were right all along. The tune becomes a plea for shelter, rather than a demand. George Harrison's "Within You Without You" is the complete blending of spiritual longing, with droning acoustic guitars, skittering snares and open chord drones from Kaye's electric and fleshly experience. Smith's read of Dylan's "Changing of the Guard" is ambitious. Where the original was drenched in mariachi horns and a female backing chorus, she overturns those trappings and accents Dylan's last expressionistic lyric. She sings as if everything is at stake in this clash between the forces of light and darkness, where Melville, Dumas, Joan of Arc, the myth of Orpheus and the tales of Ovid are informed by both biblical prophecy and the tarot. The meld of acoustic guitars, brushed drums and muted kickdrum wind around her. The piano and Kaye's muted electric guitars fill the space where most of the backing vocals and horns once were -- except where Smith's daughter Jesse Paris Smith harmonizes -- and seduce the emotion out of the nearly surreal narrative of renunciation. Perhaps no tune moves here like Smith's reading of "Smells Like Teen Spirit," with help from Sam Shepherd and John Cohen on banjo, Peter Stampfel on fiddle, and Kaye and Duncan Webster on guitar in a strange dreamscape driven by a standup bass. Smith digs into the lyric and then offers a poem that is as much an early American folk song elegy to the environment Kurt Cobain grew up in as it is to what's happening to America itself, but with current touches. Her poet's heart not only complements the original but makes the song timeless and brings Cobain's mature spirit to flesh once more. It is the most moving track on the set and the most visionary. Smith closes her set with a true outlaws campfire song in Gregg Allman's "Midnight Rider," and a darker than written, sparsely textured, elegiac cover of Stevie Wonder's "Pastime Paradise," with a truly haunting piano by Luis Resto. Her small notes annotating each track are welcome and revealing in and of themselves. If this is truly the covers album Smith has always wanted to record, she's succeeded on a level with the best of her studio recordings and a welcome addition to her catalog. Each song has her imprint without sacrificing the intent or spirit of the original. Full of slow burning passion and emotion, Twelve is magnificent.

原始名称 Twelve
发行时间 2007-04-13
名称 twelve
唱片公司 索尼音乐
收藏数 3473
歌手 patti smith
类别 录音室专辑
语言 英语
  • patti smith的专辑
  • 专辑
  • 风格
  • pop
  • 当代民谣 contemporary folk
  • 民谣摇滚 folk rock