men and women,fathers and children. ahmed,son of diana and sheik ahmed ben hassan,falls in love with yasmin,a dancing girl who fronts her father's gang of mountebanks. among the cutthroats is ghobah,a villainous moor to whom yasmin is promised. in ruins near touggourt,the city where yasmin dances,she and ahmed meet secretly until one night when her father and the gang ca...
68 分钟(1969 alternate version)
twinkle@@@2009-01-19 17:27:25@@@Rudolph Valentino的魅力@@@2@@@荧幕上大众情人的鼻祖应该算是Rudolph Valentino了吧。看了他的《酋长(the Sheik)》和《酋长的儿子》( the Son of the Sheik))。感叹自己对着两部默片也看得津津有味。80多年前的电影了,Valentino仍然闪耀着魅力的光芒。 (展开)@@@