ViolaZ@@@2012-4-23 23:24:38@@@0@@@北京国际电影节上的片子。因为一直向往去古巴看看,这片子更打开了我的遐想。两个汗涔涔的少年,辛苦几小时挣来的两百比索,还有在羞涩姑娘脸上印下的同样羞涩的一吻。这么一个初夏的午后,友情和爱情同时到来了。
it's a heartwarming tale about mayito,a young boy whose wealthy jazz pianist father (is that an oxymoron?) showers him with the latest playstation games. accustomed to being driven to school with a tv in the car,he is the epitome of the successful student who does everything proper and usually receives whatever he wants. when he gets lost during the may day celebration in rev...
梅大姑@@@2012-04-22 19:24:44@@@很亲切的小电影@@@1@@@这篇影评可能有剧透 今天到双井UME看了《哈瓦那站》,是平生第一次看古巴电影。 剧场里拢共也没几十个观众,但看到会心处,大家还是非常欢乐地笑了。 有一些镜头大概是只有中国人看着才会觉得特别“亲切”吧?小朋友们系着红领巾(还有蓝领巾呢)向着国旗,向着古巴老一辈无产阶级革命家切格瓦拉敬... (展开)@@@