


by Eduardo Rivadavia Hero Destroyed's debut album, Throes, raises two key issues: first, how pervasive Mastodon's influence has become across the modern heavy metal spectrum; and, second, how the "metalcore" tag can be applied to an almost infinite range of sounds (as well as what's hip and has-been), because its parent genres have grown so diverse (or diluted, depending on who you ask) over decades of evolution. Subject for you consideration: Hero Destroyed is a suitably blue-collar Pittsburgh-based outfit that clearly knows its traditional hardcore/straightedge history, but has also honed its craft practicing finger-numbing scales and alien chord progressions inspired by the Dillinger Escape Plan and their math-metal equivalents…and then Mastodon came along. This is the only viable explanation as to why … Read more

类别 录音室专辑
风格 metal
Alias throes
Extra throes
Name throes
原始名称 Throes
名称 throes
唱片公司 relapse records
收藏数 0
歌手 hero destroyed
状态 未发布
语言 英语
  • 2010-01-01
  • 2010-08-31
  • 精选上位词
  • hero destroyed的专辑
  • 专辑