joan dowling



joan dowling had a passion for acting and as an aspiring young actress she would take roles in plays, pantomimes and other works simply to be on the stage. her first recognised role was at the tender age of 14 and she signed her first film contract at 17.

中文名 joan dowling
出生地 英国,英格兰
出生日期 1928-01-06
原始名称 Joan Dowling
名称 joan dowling
外文名 演员1928-01-06
年龄 26
星座 摩羯
身份 演员
逝世日期 1954-03-31
  • affair in monte carlo
  • stryker of the yard
  • twilight women
  • 魔术盒
  • 精选上位词
  • 影视明星
  • 明星