


A German pimp with a penchant for violence. The prostitute with a heart of gold who loves him. The demented mother who ruined him. Lots of depressing sex scenes set in dreary working-class apartments. If these seem like the key ingredients to a Rainer Werner Fassbinder movie, they’re in fact part of a true story that makes up the latest docudrama from prolific Berlin-based filmmaker,gay activist Rosa von Praunheim (Rent Boys, Neurosia: 50 Years of Perversity). Based on the harrowing life of Andreas Marquardt, a victim of sexual abuse who grew into a karate champ, prosperous hustler, federal prisoner and eventually, martial arts instructor and author, the film jumps between present-day interviews and kitschy flashbacks shot in black-and-white, revealing a man who overcame trauma through the power of therapy and his own two fists. Screening in Berlin’s Panorama section – where von Praunheim’s movies (over 70 in all) have often premiered – Love should play well with the filmmaker’s local fan base and minor cult following abroad, with continued gigs on the international fest circuit. Adapted by the director and writers Nico Woche and Jurgen Leme from Marquardt’s 2006 autobiography, the film begins with its subject speaking candidly about his past, before jumping into dramatized recreations where young Andreas, aka Andy (Hanno Koffler), is raised by a single mother (Katy Karrenbauer) after his abusive father is kicked out of the house for crushing his 6-year-old son’s hand. But rather than finding solace in the arms of mutter, Andy lands between the legs of a perverted darest family member who forces him into a long-term incestuous relationship – one which von Praunheim hardly shies away from, capturing sexual acts from the young boy’s POV as he strips down for him, plays with his genitals or, in one rather unbearable sequence, casually lubricates an oversized dildo like spreading icing on a tray of cupcakes! It was screened in the Panorama section of the 65th Berlin International Film Festival where it won the 3rd place prize in the Panoroma Audience Award.

上映时间 2015-02
中文名 暴力的爱
原始名称 暴力的爱
国家 德国
地区 德国
外文名 härte
子类型 剧情
导演 罗萨·冯·布劳恩海姆
年份 2015
片长 89分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 jürgen lemke
语言 德语
豆瓣短评数量 4
豆瓣短评赞数 0
豆瓣长评作者 蒙古国海军司令
豆瓣长评数量 1
豆瓣长评时间 2015-03-17
豆瓣长评标题 一个渣男的一生
  • 德国
  • 柏林国际电影节
  • 主演
  • luise heyer
  • oliver sechting
  • 汉诺·科弗勒
  • 凯蒂·卡伦保尔
  • 别名
  • tough love
  • 严厉的爱
  • 爱之深
  • 剧情

    if these seem like the key ingredients to a rainer werner fassbinder movie,they’re in fact part of a true story that makes up the latest docudrama from prolific berlin-based film...

  • yoshimi@@@@@我还是觉得这些人都不shameful吗 要是找俊男美女黑白光影重拍电影也好 可惜真实女主的豹纹搭配不得不把人拉回现实...
  • 小易甫@@@@@影片改编自原型的自传,《自由坠落》男主角出演,由原型采访和黑白镜头闪回组成的纪录剧情片,讲述了有童年阴影的男主角如何发展其暴力倾向以及其作为皮条客与一名甘愿献身的女人的充满暴力的感情关系。片中男女演员的推拉关系,压抑的性场面以及仿剧场布景都让人想到法斯宾德的处女作。
  • 我是个气球@@@@@半纪录半话剧感的电影,影片讲述了一个童年遭受母亲性暴力的男孩在他的成长道路上遇到拥有同样经历的女孩,两人在相处中从暴力到治愈的故事。( 被qaf的同影推荐给忽悠进来了- -!不过拿到了hanno koffler的签名很开心) (ง •̀_•́)ง
  • 蒙古国海军司令@@@@@影片本身三星,hanno koffler额外加一星。
  • 豆瓣短评
  • yoshimi@@@2015-03-31@@@0@@@我还是觉得这些人都不shameful吗 要是找俊男美女黑白光影重拍电影也好 可惜真实女主的豹纹搭配不得不把人拉回现实...
  • 小易甫@@@2015-02-13@@@0@@@影片改编自原型的自传,《自由坠落》男主角出演,由原型采访和黑白镜头闪回组成的纪录剧情片,讲述了有童年阴影的男主角如何发展其暴力倾向以及其作为皮条客与一名甘愿献身的女人的充满暴力的感情关系。片中男女演员的推拉关系,压抑的性场面以及仿剧场布景都让人想到法斯宾德的处女作。
  • 我是个气球@@@2015-02-15@@@0@@@半纪录半话剧感的电影,影片讲述了一个童年遭受母亲性暴力的男孩在他的成长道路上遇到拥有同样经历的女孩,两人在相处中从暴力到治愈的故事。( 被QAF的同影推荐给忽悠进来了- -!不过拿到了Hanno Koffler的签名很开心) (ง •̀_•́)ง
  • 蒙古国海军司令@@@2015-02-15@@@0@@@影片本身三星,Hanno Koffler额外加一星。