airstrip - aufbruch der moderne,teil iii

airstrip - aufbruch der moderneteil iii airstrip - aufbruch der moderneteil iii


In the 21st part of his Photography and beyond series, Heinz Emigholz projects as usual a series of structures into our brains and from there on to the screen: Airports, motorways and bus stops; department stores, market halls and warehouses; churches, cathedrals, sculptures and monuments. And a prison, a stadium, an embassy, a semi-detached house. These far-flung architectural works generate a frame story: The ephemeral, capitalistic, religiously melancholy and moralising world gets caught up in its own sense of purpose with far reaching consequences. Even after the atom bomb is dropped, as narrated by a vaguely familiar voice, the viewer waits for the documentary framing of an architectural design. Yet this frame does not exist, perhaps it never even did. What we have before us is a flat screen, with the illustrations from advertising circulars floating across the image as proof. Front and back merge to form the actual spatial and temporal construction, whose architect is none other than the viewers themselves. As the final part of the series, Airstrip offers no big finale of architectural film history, but rather a brilliant desert landscape full of unexpected new beginnings. (Berlinale 2014)

精选上位词 电影
语言 德语
豆瓣短评数量 3
豆瓣短评时间 2014-09-18
豆瓣短评赞数 0
豆瓣长评数量 0
Mtime评分 暂无评分
上映地区 美国
国家 德国
地区 德国
子类型 纪录片
导演 海因茨·艾米高斯
年份 2014
摄影 海因茨·艾米高斯
片长 108分钟
编剧 海因茨·艾米高斯
评论 0 条影评

airstrip - aufbruch der moderne,teil iii


airstrip - aufbruch der moderne,teil iii

  • 2014
  • 2014-02-08
  • 2014-06-06
  • 中文名

    airstrip - aufbruch der moderne,teil iii

  • part iii
  • the airstrip - decampment of modernism
  • 剧情

    in the 21st part of his photography and beyond series,heinz emigholz projects as usual a series of structures into our brains and from there on to the screen:airports,motorways and bus stops; department stores,market halls and warehouses; churches,cathedrals,sculptures and monuments. and a prison,a stadium,an embassy,a semi-detached house. these far-flung architectural...


    Airstrip - Aufbruch der Moderne,Teil III


    airstrip - aufbruch der moderne,teil iii


    airstrip - aufbruch der moderne,teil iii

  • 电影
  • 纪录片
  • 精选别名

    airstrip - aufbruch der moderneteil iii

  • ueli etter/mann am strand
  • natja brunckhorst/narrator
  • 角色
  • mann am strand
  • narrator
  • 豆瓣短评内容
  • @cinemaxx 真是一部优秀的建筑系学生拱顶结构教学ppt……
  • udk教授heinz emigholz建筑纪录片,64届柏林电影节参展影片。拍的不错,有些地方蛮有趣,推荐给建筑和电影爱好者:)
  • 果然是ppt 小伙伴都睡着了
  • 豆瓣短评网友
  • glueck
  • spring
  • 朝霞不出门