jack bruce



by Richard SkellyAlthough some may be tempted to call multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and composer Jack Bruce a rock A Question of Time (Epic Records, 1989), which includes guest performances by Albert Collins, Nicky Hopkins, and Baker; as well as his CMP Records live career-retrospective album, recorded in Cologne, France, Cities of the Heart (1993). Bruce released Monkjack in 1995, an album of his jazz piano compositions which he performs with organist Bernie Worrell, issued on the CMP Record label. (更多)

代表作品 带我去看棒球
别名 jack bruce
地区 欧美
演员作品 带我去看棒球
类似歌手 相似艺人
Alias jack bruce
Extra jack bruce
Name jack bruce
原始名称 Jack Bruce
名称 jack bruce
  • 主演
  • 带我去看棒球的主演
  • 影视明星
  • 明星
  • 歌手
  • 风格
  • 前卫摇滚 progressive rock
  • 布鲁斯摇滚 blues rock
  • 爵士摇滚 jazz rock
  • 英国布鲁斯 british blues