bella thorne

annabella avery thorne 贝拉·索恩


中文名 贝拉·索恩 身高 173cm 国籍 美国 Bella Thorne(本名:Annabella Avery Thorne)1997年10月8日出生于美国佛罗里达州好莱坞,自幼参与封面拍摄。 作为德州乐器的代言人2年。 之后她搬到加州,并已开始追求了她演艺职业的梦想,现在已在演艺界大放异彩。 Bella Thorne was born as the youngest Thorne child in Florida in the year 1997. She began her acting and modeling careers as an infant and shot her first advertisement at four weeks old. Bella continues her career with a love for the spotlight and has guest starred in many TV shows such as Mental, Dirty Sexy Money, October Road and In The Motherhood. Bella recently wrapped on the movie Raspberry Magic and is working on The I Scream Man, Buttermilk Sky and Taxidermist. Bella starred in three DLP ads and is famous for her catchy line, “It’s amazing, it’s the mirrors!” Bella works with many photographers, like the famed Dani Brubaker and Allan Amato. Her own mother has done a few amazing photoshoots of Bella as well which you can check out in our gallery! Though Bella is a famed actress and supermodel, she’s still a kid who loves dance, 80′s music, running, biking and talking! She has many pets and loves her family, counting her siblings as her best friends! Bella divides her time between Florida, New York and California.

原始名称 Bella Thorne
名称 bella thorne
国籍 美国
地区 欧美
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
翻唱 contagious love

annabella avery thorne 贝拉·索恩


annabella avery thorne 贝拉·索恩

  • annabella avery thorne 贝拉·索恩
  • annabella avery thorne贝拉索恩
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