serene23 (昵称),chris (昵称),serene (昵称),charms (昵称),charmony (昵称),christopher william harmony
christian harmony,christian was born christopher william harmony in danvers, massachusetts. after becoming interested in films and acting while still at school, he attended salem state college with a major in theater arts, moving to los angeles in 1998.
中文名 | christian harmony |
出生地 | 美国,马萨诸塞州,丹弗斯 |
出生日期 | 1974-08-28 |
原始名称 | Christian Harmony |
名称 | christian harmony |
外文名 | 演员1974-08-28179cm |
年龄 | 45 |
性别 | 男 |
星座 | 处女 |
身份 | 演员 |
身高 | 179cm |
serene23 (昵称),chris (昵称),serene (昵称),charms (昵称),charmony (昵称),christopher william harmony