


Hiram Stokley is a recently deceased corpse who learns that he has 24 hours to mastermind and perform one good deed in order to get into Heaven, so he enlists the help of his long deceased girlfriend Cecily, a ghost, to stop his greedy lawyer, Reginald Ripper and his henchman J. Sinister Hulk from claiming his estate for themselves and protecting his eligible heirs, Chuck, Lili, Hiram's cousin Myrtle, and her son who brings his beach party friends up at the mansion for a pool party while Reginald Ripper also employs his daughter Sinistra, and J. Sinister Hulk's slow-witted associates Chicken Feather and Yolanda to help them terrorize the teens, while dopey biker Eric Von Zipper and his Malibu Rat Pack bikers also get involved in pursuing Yolanda for a share of the estate.

上映时间 1966-04-06
中文名 隐藏在比基尼岛的鬼魂
原始名称 隐藏在比基尼岛的鬼魂
国家 美国
地区 美国
年份 1966
片长 82 分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 4
豆瓣短评赞数 0
豆瓣长评数量 0
  • 中国大陆
  • 美国
  • 别名

    beach party in a haunted house


    the ghost in the invisible bikini

  • 喜剧
  • 恐怖
  • 歌舞
  • 导演
  • don weis
  • 唐 韦斯
  • 英文名

    the ghost in the invisible bikini

  • isabella@@@@@am a huge fan of nancy.
  • 唯有时光@@@@@大猩猩最后跑哪儿去了
  • 大奇特(grinch)@@@@@笑死了,这个鬼屋喜剧拍的很不正经,把海滩派对(新摇摆)和传统恐怖片(老哥特)合二为一。拙劣的模仿了当时罗杰.科尔曼的爱伦坡电影,连女鬼都是身着比基尼出场。最要命的是碎碎念的台词喋喋不休。
  • 豆瓣短评
  • Isabella@@@2013-08-14@@@0@@@Am a huge fan of Nancy.
  • 唯有时光@@@2013-11-29@@@0@@@大猩猩最后跑哪儿去了
  • 大奇特(Grinch)@@@2014-09-21@@@0@@@笑死了,这个鬼屋喜剧拍的很不正经,把海滩派对(新摇摆)和传统恐怖片(老哥特)合二为一。拙劣的模仿了当时罗杰.科尔曼的爱伦坡电影,连女鬼都是身着比基尼出场。最要命的是碎碎念的台词喋喋不休。