across the rain



旋律核 From the very beginning the devotion of each band member to the music they create led them through all the obstacles that arose on their way to the main goal: as many live shows as possible and the release of the album by all means. The band's approach to the deal and never ending inspiration coupled with endeavour turned dreams into reality: the debute band's album will be released in February 2012 to accompany the upcoming apocalypse. Michael Ratnikova - Bass (2009-present) Andrei Borisov - Vocals (2009-present) Alexander "Blast" Yakovlev - Drums (2010-present) Jaroslaw Bugakov - Guitars (2010-present) Ilya Demin - Guitars (2010-present)

Alias across the rain
Extra across the rain
Name across the rain
原始名称 Across The Rain
名称 across the rain
国籍 俄罗斯
  • russia 俄罗斯
  • 俄罗斯
  • 精选上位词
  • 俄罗斯音乐团体
  • 团体
  • 音乐团体