


Nan, a racketeer's daughter, is in love with The Kid, a shooting gallery showman. Despite Nan's prodding, The Kid has no ambitions about joining the rackets and making enough money to support Nan in the lifestyle she's accustomed to. Her attitude changes after her father implicates her in a murder and she's sent to prison. During her incarceration, her father convinces The Kid to join the gang in order to help free Nan. When Nan is released, she wants nothing more to do with the mob and tries to get The Kid to quit, but she may be too late.

上映地区 中国大陆
上映时间 1931-04-18
中文名 城市大街
原始名称 城市大街
国家 美国
地区 美国
外文名 city streets
导演 鲁本·马莫利安
年份 1931
片长 83 分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
编剧 oliver h.p. garrett
英文名 city streets
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 8
豆瓣短评赞数 0
豆瓣长评作者 duoduo
豆瓣长评数量 1
豆瓣长评时间 2014-03-24
豆瓣长评标题 前卫

nan,a racketeer's daughter,is in love with the kid,a shooting gallery showman. despite nan's prodding,the kid has no ambitions about joining the rackets and making enough money to support nan in the lifestyle she's accustomed to. her attitude changes after her father implicates her in a murder and she's sent to prison. during her incarceration,her father convinces the kid ...

  • 犯罪
  • 黑色电影
  • 评论
  • \t^h/@@@@@传说中的美国电影里首次使用voiceover... 镜头又比同期电影“活”得多。mamoulian是俄裔来着,嗯。说是crime drama,故事内核其实还是爱情线,情绪很含蓄,不像好些同代片那么“情感过盛”。这片里的sylvia sydney演得真好,洗刷掉了merrily we go to hell那部大狗血片里给人留下的苦情形象。
  • hinkly@@@@@早期黑帮片,女人总是各种矛盾的导火索,一不小心就会引火自焚
  • 多多@@@@@很喜欢开始在嘉年华那一段。海滩戏也很有情调。结尾有点仓促
  • 浮云客@@@@@好枪法的加里·库柏俨然是都市牛仔,最终一人智斗黑帮与爱人双双脱险。虽跟罪案题材搭边,但一点也不“黑色”。构图有些早期电影的那种”刻意“,而故事讲得顺畅舒服。海滩那段恋爱戏真不错。
  • 阿伞@@@@@大长腿好帅
  • 豆瓣短评
  • DuoDuo@@@2014-03-23@@@0@@@很喜欢开始在嘉年华那一段。海滩戏也很有情调。结尾有点仓促
  • Hinkly@@@2017-05-18@@@0@@@早期黑帮片,女人总是各种矛盾的导火索,一不小心就会引火自焚
  • 杨浦小囡@@@2018-05-11@@@0@@@3.5
  • 浮云客@@@2014-06-02@@@0@@@好枪法的加里·库柏俨然是都市牛仔,最终一人智斗黑帮与爱人双双脱险。虽跟罪案题材搭边,但一点也不“黑色”。构图有些早期电影的那种”刻意“,而故事讲得顺畅舒服。海滩那段恋爱戏真不错。
  • 阿伞@@@2016-12-18@@@0@@@大长腿好帅( ̄▽ ̄)