starland vocal band



by Rob Theakston Given the recent appearances of &Afternoon Delight& on VH1 specials and such movies as Good Will Hunting and 2004's Anchorman, it's head-scratching as to why it took so long to have the Starland Vocal Band's eponymous debut reissued. Those looking for nine songs that are on par with &Afternoon Delight& will be sorely disappointed, as most of the songs are somber in nature and don't come anywhere close to the pleasantries of their one major hit. But that's not to say the songs are of poor quality, either. Most songs are sublime little soft rock-folk numbers that are harmless and pleasant. The vocal harmonies, their obvious strong suit, come through on most of the songs, especially present on the first four songs of the album. &California Day& is a easily the worst number here, sounding like a low-rent interpretation of '70s Beach Boys and the Mamas & the Papas, with their ode to '50s rock & roll(entitled &Hail! Hail! Rock and Roll!&) coming in a close second. As debut records go this isn't too bad, but those just looking for their finest moments should check their greatest-hits compilation. This one's for die-hards only.

Alias starland vocal band
Extra starland vocal band
Name starland vocal band
原始名称 Starland Vocal Band
名称 starland vocal band
唱片公司 razor & tie
收藏数 1
歌手 starland vocal band
状态 未发布
类别 录音室专辑
语言 英语
  • 1976-02-14
  • 2004-07-27
  • 精选上位词
  • starland vocal band的专辑
  • 专辑
  • 风格
  • pop
  • 轻摇滚 soft rock