a·e· percival



a.e. percival,arthur ernest percival was born in aspenden, hertfordshire, england on 26 december 1887. he was educated at rugby school and worked in london with naylor, benzon & company limited from 1907-1914. he was wounded in france in world war i and continued to serve in the army, finally being appointed general officer commanding malaya.

中文名 a.e. percival
出生地 英国,赫特福德郡,aspenden
出生日期 1887-12-25
别名 arthur ernest percival
外文名 演员1887-12-26
年龄 78
星座 摩羯
身份 演员
逝世日期 1966-01-31
Alias a·e· percival
Extra a·e· percival
Name a·e· percival
原始名称 A.E. Percival
名称 a·e· percival
  • 主演
  • 影视明星
  • 战争中的世界的主演
  • 明星
  • 血肉长城的主演