why i hate the 60s decade that was too good to be true



Why I Hate the Sixties examines the truth behind the myth. It suggests that we were living on borrowed time - we partied as Britain lost an empire and slid into unchecked industrial decline. Archive footage and contributors of all political stripes build the case against the decade where dreams turned to nightmares… The Charges: * Architecture: An obsession with modernity meant out with old and in with the damp-stained concrete, huge tower blocks and anonymous estates of rotting flats. * Transport: Think the trains are bad now? Two thirds of the railway system was dismantled in the 1960s alone. * Women's Liberation: Why did feminism grow in strength during the 1970s? Because women were turned into sex objects during the 60s. And the pill? It was not just to make women more available for men but that was its immediate effect. * Multi-culturalism: Instead of embracing a new wave of immigration, we blew it. If you were black, the 60s were not the decade of peace and love, they were the decade of racism and Powellism. * Music: The Beatles? The Rolling Stones? Forget about it. The best-selling single of the 60s was a slice of pungent cheese, Release Me by Englebert Humperdinck. * Sport: England's World Cup victory is still celebrated as the pinnacle of the country's sporting success. But was it deserved? You'll have to watch the programme to find out...

上映地区 英国
上映时间 2004-06-12
分集名 the
国家 英国
地区 英国
子类型 纪录片
导演 michael c· poole
年份 2004
片长 60分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影

why i hate the 60s decade that was too good to be true


why i hate the 60s decade that was too good to be true


why i hate the 60s:the decade that was too good to be true


Why I Hate the 60s: The Decade That Was Too Good to Be True


why i hate the 60s decade that was too good to be true


why i hate the 60s:the decade that was too good to be true


why i hate the 60s decade that was too good to be true