


小档案 中文名 佛朗迪 外文名 Frente! 国 籍 澳大利亚 首代主唱 Angie Hart 类 型 组合 出道时间 1989年 代表作品 《air》 艺人资料 Frente!是一支来自澳大利亚的乐队,却取了一个西班牙文的名字,即英文"Front"的意思,中文通常翻译为"佛朗迪"。他们原本把自己称为"Frente!",过后也不懂是队里的哪个成员心血来潮,提议把!给省略掉,结果大家一致同意。Frente!便成了这个组合的代名词。 刚开始队员总共有4人:Angie Hart,Simon Austin,Tim O' Connor,Mark Picton由Angie为女主音的Frente!, 并不愿意顺着流行音乐的趋势,而做出迎合市场的泡泡糖音乐。相反地,他们宁愿走向非主流,朝着自己喜欢的木吉他民谣风格,创作出另一种清新的音乐。在他们的唱片里,你可以嗅到花香,大自然的气息,一种与世无争的慵懒。 Angie的干净嗓音总让人听了不自觉的爱上她。 Angie Hart住在墨尔本的近郊,并不是一个非常时髦的女孩,在高中毕业后筹了一笔钱与朋友一起去了与墨尔本隔海相望的印度洋岛屿--圣诞岛度假,在那儿遇到了弹着Guitar的Simon Austin,喜爱唱歌的Angie就要求Simon为她伴奏,Simon答应了,并叫上了朋友,后来担任FRENTE鼓手的Alistair Bardon,担任打击乐部分,结果一曲终了,却引来了人们的驻足聆听。后来,他们三人成立了Frente!乐队,并找来了Simon在墨尔本大学的朋友Tim O'connor作为乐队的BASS手,Frente!就正式成形了。 Angie的嗓音非常的稚气,简直就像一个13、4岁的小女孩在低吟。平静地、却暗暗地藏匿着不移的倔强。在吉他的伴随下,她的声音突显无疑。基本上FRENTE的风格比较民谣化,浅兰色的调子,给人无限的好心情。Angie唱道:open up your heart and let the sun shine in!有人称FRENTE的音乐为GUITAR 与 PIANO的混合,很能突出他们音乐的特质:简单,纯真。再加上Angie孩童般的天真,我们不禁要问:有什么比简单更重要? 1989年,当时还居住在Melbourne的Angie,连同好朋友Simon的支持下,决定要自组乐队。于是他们找来了Tim和Mark,加上Angie的声音,Simon的木吉他,便形成了Frente!。 在1992年,他们在家乡澳大利亚推出首张专辑,《Marvin The Album》。 专辑一推出后即受到当地青少年的欢迎。尤其是在当地校园里,Frente!的歌曲更是成了学生们的喜爱。在完全没有意料之下,专辑卖了白金,而Frente!也随后到国外许多地方巡回演唱。 不过,迅速的成名也为Frente!带来了无限的压力。在巡回演唱后,Tim和Mark黯然决定离开Frente!。而Angie和Simon也处于低潮心情,甚至一度想解散Frente!。 在沉寂了一段日子后,Angie和Simon重新振作,找来了新队员Bill McDonald和Alastair Barden,并在1996年推出第二张唱片,《Shape》。虽然《Shape》的销售量不如首张专辑,但部分歌迷对它的评语却是相当高。因为Frente!在这专辑里的个人风格非常突出,给歌迷带来了完全不同的感觉。 因为《Shape》专辑的推出,Frente!也忙着为宣传而到处巡回演唱。而过后队员们之间再次出现意见分歧。于是在1998,Frente!宣布解散。 Frente!是一支来自澳大利亚的乐队,却取了一个西班牙文的名字,即英文"Front"的意思,中文通常翻译为"佛朗迪"。乐队主唱Angie Hart 拥有一副颠覆传统流行美感的小女孩嗓音,而幼时经历的社会变迁又使她的词曲呈现颇具内涵的情感,乐队的其他成员则呈现出清新又不失艺术气质的民谣乐风。在一片Rock之风下,他们缔造出一些轻和悠扬的歌曲,令人产生一种发自内心的感性、诚实和直接的感觉。一如他们向来坚守的随性简单,乐队于1998年平静解散。 的确,从Angie Hart的创作中就可以大致摸出她的情感脉络。Frente!时期,她是与Simon Austin热恋中的少女。当这段感情画上句号时,Frente也不存在了。后来,25岁的她遇到了前"呛辣红椒"成员、吉他手杰西 托比阿斯,又陷入热恋,两人很快结婚并在洛杉矶安家,还组成了夫妻乐队Splendid。音乐事业进行得不算顺利,Angie Hart倒是在制片人朋友的引荐下客串好几部剧集和电影,其中包括大热的《吸血鬼猎人巴菲》和《宁静号》。"演戏很好玩,但是我真的不擅长。"Angie Hart羞涩地笑着回忆道。2004年,她和托比阿斯9年的婚姻走到尽头。托比阿斯开始担任前TheSmiths乐队主唱莫里塞的主音吉他手,到各地巡演。Angie Hart则离开美国,搬回了老家墨尔本。 在家人朋友的鼓励下,Angie Hart一边创作一边走出了婚变的阴影。那段日子就记录在她的首张个人专辑中。再次遇到旧爱西蒙 奥斯汀,虽然物是人非,但是他们对音乐的热爱不变,Frente!重组的计划也就此浮出水面。 2014年5月,Frente!发行精选集《Marvin the Album - 21st Anniversary Edition (Deluxe Edition)》。 2015年,参加雅加达90's festival音乐节。 2016年,流行音乐传奇人物Prince于4月21日逝世,Frente!在Facebook主页发表留言哀悼王子。 Life and career Frente! (or Frente) are an Australian alternative rock and folk-pop group which originally formed in 1989. The original line-up consisted of Simon Austin on guitar and backing vocals, Angie Hart on lead vocals, Tim O'Connor on bass guitar (later replaced by Bill McDonald), and Mark Picton on drums (later replaced by Alastair Barden, then by Pete Luscombe). In August 1991 they issued their debut extended play, Whirled, which included the track, "Labour of Love". In March 1992 they released a second EP, Clunk, with its featured track, "Ordinary Angels", which peaked at No. 3 on the ARIA Singles Chart. It was followed in October by "accidently Kelly Street" (unintentional misprint of "Accidentally Kelly Street" was retained) which reached No. 4. Their debut album, 'Marvin the Album', issued in November, peaked at No. 5 on the ARIA Albums Chart. "Labour of Love" was released as an EP outside of Australasia in 1994 as a CD single with a cover version of New Order's "Bizarre Love Triangle" included. The Australian rock music historian Ian McFarlane felt that the group's "quirky, irreverent, acoustic-based sound was at odds with the usual guitar-heavy, grunge trends of the day. The band's presentation had a tweeness about it that could have been off-putting if not for its genuine freshness and honesty". During 1995 Frente! recorded their second album, 'Shape', in Spain with Ted Niceley (Fugazi), David M. Allen (The Cure, Sisters of Mercy), Cameron McVey aka Booga Bear (Neneh Cherry) and the band producing.The first single, "Sit on My Hands", peaked at No. 66 in Australia in July 1996. The album was issued in July 1996, peaking at No. 35 on the ARIA Albums Chart.During 1996 the group toured Europe, Asia and US for three months to promote the album. In January 1997 Frente! performed on the Melbourne leg of the Big Day Out, in July that year they issued another CD single, "Goodbye Goodguy". Tobias had joined Frente! for their final tour before the band broke up late in 1997 – Hart and Tobias married and formed a duo, Splendid. In late 2003 Frente! founders Austin and Hart, who were both living in the US, resumed song writing together. One of their new compositions, "Sleeping", appeared on Splendid's EP, 'States of Awake' (2004). During late 2004 Austin and Hart reformed Frente! for acoustic shows in both New York and Los Angeles. In January 2005 Frente! performed some Australian east coast dates, the line-up of Austin, Hart, and McDonald were joined by Pete Luscombe on drums. The group issued a three-track EP, 'Try to Think Less', on Pop Boomerang Records. On 28 November 2010, Frente! played at a Punters Club reunion show at the Corner Hotel, curated by Hart. In March 2014 it was announced that Austin and Hart will tour as Frente!, performing nine concerts around Australia during May and June 2014 to mark the 21st anniversary of 'Marvin the Album'. A special two CD anniversary edition of the album is due to be released on 16 May. They appeared in The 90's Jakarta Festival in 2015. Prince died on April 21 2016.Later, Frente!expressed their mourning on Facebook.

别名 frente
原始名称 Frente!
名称 frente!
国籍 澳大利亚
等价别名 frente
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
精选别名 frente
  • australia 澳大利亚
  • 澳大利亚
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