the gaylords



by Richie UnterbergerA pre-rock White vocal trio, the Gaylords had a series of hits from 1952 to 1954 with novelty-flavored material and Italian-derived love songs. It's difficult for the latter-day listener not to associate the records with the kind of background music you might hear at the average pizza parlor. In its day, however, it was not background fodder, but highly commercial fare that was cleanly executed and unreserved sentimental, wearing its heart on its sleeve as surely as excess tomato sauce on a napkin. Forming in Detroit, the group, featuring Ronnie Fredianelli, Burt Bonaldi, and Don Rea, made number two in 1952 with their debut outing, "Tell Me You're Mine." Derived from an Italian ballad, the song was originally recorded as a disc to be sold at Bonaldi's father's store. The engineer on that session was impressed enough to help pitch the act to established labels, and the trio ended up with Mercury. After a couple more hits, Fredianelli was drafted into the Army, changed his name to Ronnie Gaylord, and began recorded for Mercury as a solo vocalist. The Gaylords decided to keep going, recruiting Billy Christ as Ronnie's replacement. "From the Wine Came the Grape," "Isle of Capri," and "The Little Shoemaker" were all big hits for the Gaylords over the next couple of years. Ronnie Gaylord had a big hit of his own with "Cuddle Me," and got in on the rock & roll cover game with a version of Fats Domino's "Ain't That a Shame." The rock & roll revolution, however, made groups such as the Gaylords passe, although they continued to record for Mercury into the '60s. Burt Bonaldi, after changing his name to Burt Holiday, formed the Gaylord & Holiday duo with Ronnie Gaylord. The pair even had a tiny hit in 1976 with "Eh! Compuri," recorded for, of all things, a subsidiary label of Motown.

唱片公司 emi百代唱片
地区 欧美
Alias the gaylords
Extra the gaylords
Name the gaylords
原始名称 The Gaylords
名称 the gaylords
  • bonaldo bonaldi
  • ronald l·fredianelli
  • 歌手详细介绍

    <info><id>87685</id><desc><![CDATA[The Gaylords是一支美国歌唱三人组合,成员包括Ronald L.Fredianelli(为了表演更名为Ronnie Gaylord,名字取自乐队名称)、Bonaldo Bonaldi(1976年,也更名为Burt Holiday,这一时期乐队名为Gaylord And Holiday)、Don Rea(在乐队名为Gaylord & Holiday时期离开乐队)。\nFredianelli是1930年6月12日出生于密歇根州底特律。1949年,他们在底特律成立Gaylords(最初名为The Gay Lords)。\n20世纪50年代,乐队发行的意大利风格的热门歌曲进入了排行榜,包括部分意大利语歌曲以及部分英文歌曲。乐队最为成为的作品是《Tell Me You're Mine》,截止到1958年,销量达到一百多万张。歌曲创作于1939年,最初名为《Per Un Bacio D'amor》。《Tell Me You're Mine》荣登美国排行榜第三名。\n作为Gaylord And Holiday,乐队的两名成员继续表演直到2003年。\nFredianelli在2004年1月25日逝世于内华达州里诺。Bonaldi尚健在,与Ronnie Gaylord的大儿子(另一个儿子是摇滚乐吉他手Tony Fredianelli)Ron Gaylord,Jr.一起表演。]]></desc><basic><item><key><![CDATA[原文名]]></key><value><![CDATA[The Gaylords]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[别名]]></key><value><![CDATA[The Gay Lords|Gaylord And Holiday]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[团员组成]]></key><value><![CDATA[Ronald L.Fredianelli(去世)、Bonaldo Bonaldi]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[团员人数]]></key><value><![CDATA[]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[代表作]]></key><value><![CDATA[《Tell Me You're Mine》]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[成立日期]]></key><value><![CDATA[1949年]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[主要成就]]></key><value><![CDATA[《Tell Me You're Mine》荣登美国排行榜第三名]]></value></item></basic><group><member><item><key><![CDATA[原文名]]></key><value><![CDATA[Bonaldo Bonaldi]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[别名]]></key><value><![CDATA[Burt Holiday]]></value></item></member></group><other><item><key><![CDATA[荣誉记录]]></key><value><![CDATA[《Tell Me You're Mine》荣登美国排行榜第三名]]></value></item><item><key><![CDATA[主要作品]]></key><value><![CDATA[1952年《Tell Me You're Mine》\n1953年《Spinning A Web》\n1953年《Ramona》\n1953年《The Strings Of My Heart》\n1953年《Mama-Papa Polka》\n1954年《From The Vine Came The Grape》\n1954年《Cuddle Me》\n1954年《Isle Of Capri》\n1954年《Love I You(You I Love)》\n1954年《Wow!》\n1954年《The Little Shoemaker》\n1954年《Mecque,Mecque》\n1954年《I'm No Gonna Say》\n1954年《Veni-Vidi-Vici》\n1954年《Pupalina》\n1955年《Chow Mein》\n1955年《No Arms Can Ever Hold You》\n1958年《Ma Ma Ma Marie》\n1958年《Flamingo L'Amore》\n1976年《Eh!Cumpari》]]></value></item></other></info>

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