This compelling and disturbing psychological drama tracks the lives of Walter Lee Fitzgerald and his wife Linda through a government conspiracy centered on changing the outcome of a future presidential election. The film weaves its way through the minds of the pawns who would change history, the candidate at risk and the conspirators manipulating the buttons. As told by Linda Fitzgerald, unwittingly used in the plot, this haunting and gripping American tragedy transcends mere film going and becomes an experience that can't be forgotten.
Mtime评分 | 暂无评分 |
上映地区 | 美国 |
上映时间 | 2003-07-27 |
中文名 | the last kennedy |
原始名称 | The Last Kennedy |
名称 | the last kennedy |
国家 | 美国 |
地区 | 美国 |
外文名 | the last kennedy |
导演 | richard culver |
年份 | 2003 |
片长 | 113分钟 |
类别 | 电影 |
精选上位词 | 电影 |
英文名 | the last kennedy |
评论 | 0 条影评 |