nicktime@@@2011-2-25 16:23:00@@@电影《雷霆》剧情简介@@@0@@@ 杰夫﹝提姆.达利饰﹞和友人一起救出遭男友虐待的米兰达﹝凯莉.普林斯顿饰﹞,然而麻烦却因此上身,更因此陷入与米兰达有关的阴谋之中。原来米兰达是女巫的一员,而为了脱离由女巫所组成的组织,米兰达必须付出极大的代价,而伸出援手帮助她的杰夫也将深陷其中... 全文@@@
when jeff and his friend rescue a young beautiful woman (kelly preston) from an apparently abusive boyfriend,the trouble starts. jeff unknowing becomes involved with miranda (kelly) and the web of intrigue that follows her. miranda is on the run from the witches coven (to which she belongs). miranda tells jeff of her situation,but not the entire truth. jeff willingly helps mi...