mustafa sandal



土耳其超级天王巨星,精通英语、土耳其语、意大利语和法语,可以称得上是土耳其有史以来最成功的一位艺人之一。 Mustafa Sandal, commonly known as Musti, is a famous Turkish pop singer. He is fluent in English, Turkish, Italian and French. He emerged in the early 1990s with the revival of Turkish pop music and is one of the most successful pop singers in Turkey with overall sales of 13 million copies. Musti is famous in Europe for his songs &Moonlight&, &Araba& and &İsyankar& in countries such as Germany, Belgium Switzerland, and Austria. He is also known in the United States, Russia, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. Sandal is married to popular Serbian singer Emina Jahović and has two sons with her. (更多)

别名 mustafa sandal
原始名称 Mustafa Sandal
名称 mustafa sandal
国籍 土耳其
地区 土耳其
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
风格 土耳其流行 turkish pop