henry fountain ashurst



henry fountain ashurst,henry f. ashurst served as a democrat in the united states senate from 1912 when arizona was admitted to the union as the 48th state. he was denied renomination by his party in 1940. he lived in washington, dc until his death in 1962 at the age of 88.

中文名 henry fountain ashurst
出生地 美国,内华达州,温尼马卡
出生日期 1874-09-12
外文名 演员1874-09-13
年龄 88
星座 处女
演员作品 华府千秋
身份 演员
逝世日期 1962-05-31
Alias henry fountain ashurst
Extra henry fountain ashurst
Name henry fountain ashurst
代表作品 华府千秋
原始名称 Henry Fountain Ashurst
名称 henry fountain ashurst

senator ashurst,the honorable henry fountain ashurst

  • 主演
  • 华府千秋的主演
  • 影视明星
  • 明星