urgently called,the police inspector has arrived in a hotel,and didn't find any crime,but noticed some strangenesses occurring there. he has decided to leave,but a snow avalanche is crushed in the mountains,making it impossible for him to leave. soon,inspector has found a body of a dead lodger. everyone who lives in the hotel is under suspicion... (strugatsky bro...
熊仔侠@@@2011-02-07 20:32:47@@@日光和灯光交织下的有限诡异@@@2@@@警探接到雪山里头的酒店的电话求救之后,迅速赶往了酒店。到步后,他发现根本没有人报警。随之而来的就是一场雪崩。警探被迫滞留于酒店。接著,一具尸体不期而至,警探展开了调查。 没错,上述正是这部来自苏联爱沙尼亚的电影《逝去登山者的旅馆》的剧情。这部电影改编自科幻... (展开)@@@https://movie.douban.com/review/4614756/@@@https://img1.doubanio.com/icon/u3559650-68.jpg