mj gazali



mj gazali,mj has been acting since an early age when at three he was chosen to represent his school on a television show. after college, mj put acting on hold to become a flight attendant for the airline emirates so he could travel the world. he collected many stories of adventure along the way.

中文名 mj gazali
原始名称 MJ Gazali
名称 mj gazali
外文名 演员
导演作品 level 26 revelations
身份 演员
  • america:facts vs. fiction
  • collegehumor originals
  • 豪斯医生 第一季
  • 别名

    marlo gazali , marwan gazali , m.j. ghazali , marwan ghazali

  • level 26 revelations的导演
  • 导演
  • 影视明星
  • 明星