claude tondreau



claude tondreau,claude tommy tondreau is a haitian boy who came to america at the age of 4. he loves to play football, basketball and cook. claude wanted to be an actor as soon as he was in the 2012 movie (that's my boy) with adam sandler back in june 2011. he always had stage fright but, as soon as he got on that stage, he knew just what to do at the start.

中文名 claude tondreau
代表作品 爸爸的好儿子
外文名 演员
演员作品 爸爸的好儿子
身份 演员
Alias claude tondreau
Extra claude tondreau
Name claude tondreau
原始名称 Claude Tondreau
名称 claude tondreau
  • 主演
  • 影视明星
  • 我恨你爸爸的主演
  • 我老爸卡好台的主演
  • 明星
  • 爸爸我恨你的主演
  • 爸爸的好儿子的主演