


Agatha Christie Hour is a collection of ten hour-long dramas based on short stories by the most popular novelist in history. Some were romances, some had supernatural themes and a couple were adventures. The common link was that all came from the talented pen of Agatha Christie, all were entertaining and each drama was carefully crafted and well cast with many of Britain’s best known actors of the time represented. 1.The Case of the Middle-Aged Wife: When Mrs Packington, whose husband is paying more attention to his young secretary, answers an ad in the papers reading, ARE YOU HAPPY? IF NOT, CONSULT MR PARKER PYNE, she soon finds herself being dazzled and swept off her feet by the handsome Claude Luttrell. 2.In A Glass Darkly: Matthew Armitage is startled by a vision in his mirror: he sees a man with a scarred neck strangling a beautiful blonde. He later meets the woman in his vision, Sylvia, and notes her fiance’s scarred neck. Mathew tells Sylvia of his premonition, and the engagement is broken off. But is that all there is to it? 3.The Girl in The Train: George Rowland, a bored playboy, disowned for the seventh time by his wealthy uncle, is on the train to London. When a beautiful girl bursts into his compartment frantically begging to be hidden, his life changes dramatically. 4.The Fourth Man: A canon, a lawyer and a psychiatrist find themselves together on a train bound for Newcastle. There is a fourth man in the compartment, who apparently pays no attention to his companions’ animated conversation. 5.The Case of the Discontented Soldier: The recently retired Major Wilbraham is bored and unhappy so he answers Parker Pyne’s newspaper ad. Before long the Major finds himself rescuing Freda Clegg from two burly attackers; with Freda in tow, he embarks on a daring adventure to find treasure in the wilds of Africa! Another charming love story of an autumn romance. 6.Magnolia Blossom: Theodora Darrell is running away with her lover – and business associate of her husband – Vincent Easton, when she learns her husband Richard is facing financial ruin. Old loyalties resurface and she returns home to see if she can fix the situation. 7.The Mystery of the Blue Jar: Playing golf early one morning, Jack Harrington hears a cry, “Murder! Help!” from a nearby cottage. He runs up to find a beautiful French girl, Felise, placidly weeding the garden, oblivious to any disturbance. When the Jack hears the same cries for many days he begins to think he might be mad. But are more sinister forces at work? 8.The Red Signal: Dermot West is invited to dinner at the home of Jack and Claire Trent. The first is his best friend, the second, the woman he loves. During the evening the conversation turns to the supernatural; Dermot admits he frequently gets what he calls ‘the red signal’ to warn him of impending danger. He neglects to mention that he is getting the signal strongly that night! 9.Jane in Search of a Job: Jane Cleveland lands a sought-after job as double for the Grand Duchess of Ostrova during the latter’s state visit to England. An attempt is feared on the Duchess’ life and when Jane is framed for a theft, events become ever more complicated. Can she clear her name and who is trying to kill the Duchess? 10.The Manhood of Edward Robinson: Prim and proper, yet a romantic dreamer, Edward Robinson, leads a rather dull life with his domineering girlfriend and uninspiring job. His quiet, dull life ends when he wins some money in a newspaper contest and he embarks on an adventure that even he never dreamed of.

上映地区 英国
上映时间 1982-09-07
中文名 阿加莎·克里斯蒂悬疑剧场
国家 英国
地区 英国
外文名 the agatha christie hour
年份 1982
总集数 10
每集长度 52分钟
片长 52分钟
类别 电视剧
精选上位词 电视剧
精选别名 阿加莎克里斯蒂悬疑剧场
英文名 the agatha christie hour
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 39
豆瓣评分 7.9
豆瓣评论人数 141
豆瓣长评作者 南柯忆梦🐳|@|dell_ding
豆瓣长评数量 2
豆瓣长评时间 2018-05-25
豆瓣长评标题 |@|也是努力收集剧集中
豆瓣长评赞数 10 |@|
首播时间 1982-09-07
  • angela easterling
  • maurice denham
  • 约翰·奈特斯
  • 约翰·纳特尔斯
  • christopher wren
  • maurice
  • 剧情

    agatha christie hour is a collection of ten hour-long dramas based on short stories by the most popular novelist in history. some were romances,some had supernatural themes and a couple were adventures. the common link was that all came from the talented pen of agatha christie,all were entertaining and each drama was carefully crafted and well cast with many of britain’s best...

  • 阿加莎.克里斯蒂悬疑剧场
  • 阿加莎·克里斯蒂悬疑剧场
  • 子类型
  • 悬疑
  • 爱情
  • 导演
  • brian farnham
  • michael simpson
  • 编剧
  • 威廉·科利特
  • 阿加莎·克里斯蒂
  • 评论
  • columbo@@@@@这个版本的雷蒙小姐依旧是这么有气质,十集故事中个人印象比较深的是《红色信号》、《蓝色瓷罐》、《神秘的镜子》、《木兰花》这几部,最后一集很无趣。
  • lyla@@@@@很经典的悬疑片。。大爱阿加莎。。
  • sicko@@@@@略无聊 已弃
  • 唯有时光@@@@@在看 喜欢阿加莎
  • 猫咪建筑师@@@@@只找到前5集:the case of the middle-aged wife/ in a glass darkly/ the girl in the train/ the fourth man/ the case of the discontented soldier
  • 豆瓣短评
  • CeCi@@@2018-07-26@@@0@@@Life should imitate fiction wherever possible.简单的几个小故事,和希区柯克悬疑故事集类似风格,没有太多推理。适合打发时间。最喜欢red signal
  • Columbo@@@2011-10-24@@@3@@@这个版本的雷蒙小姐依旧是这么有气质,十集故事中个人印象比较深的是《红色信号》、《蓝色瓷罐》、《神秘的镜子》、《木兰花》这几部,最后一集很无趣。
  • 先知玛丽苏斯@@@2018-05-27@@@0@@@稀奇古怪的小故事
  • 南柯忆梦🐳@@@2018-05-25@@@3@@@推理部分显得不足,亮点是演员很符合剧中人物性格,算是一次比较成功的改编,每个故事简单但都很精致,这十篇对于喜欢阿婆的人来说远远不够,但你能发现阿婆编织每一个故事时,细腻的思维和对事物、人物心理超乎常人的洞察力,值得细细品味,推荐红色信号、第四个男人、木兰花、神秘的镜子。
  • 绿豆粥@@@2018-04-10@@@0@@@惊险的浪漫是反讽英雄救美吗?四个男人不知为何看完让人想起爱伦坡。
  • 豆瓣长评

    南柯忆梦🐳@@@2018-05-25 01:22:42@@@值得品味的阿婆迷你剧@@@10@@@阿加莎·克里斯蒂的长篇小说已经被改编搬上荧屏多次,因为推理的独特魅力和强大的剧情感染力,使得很多成了脍炙人口的佳作,但在她的一生中也创作过很大一部分的短篇作品,这些作品或是悬疑冒险,或是浪漫言情,有些甚至包含精神类和超自然元素,BBC在1982年在The Agatha Chris... (展开)@@@https://movie.douban.com/review/9391753/@@@https://img3.doubanio.com/icon/u55940727-2.jpg
