shavian social satire. odette is an actress who's now the mistress of a government minister. her household of cook,maid,and chauffeur needs a valet. on the eve of going with the minister to deauville,she engages désiré,a robust and talkative man,even through his most recent employer,a countess,intimates improprieties. things go well for a short time:the wealthy talk abo...
barryk@@@2011-09-19 15:48:03@@@关于阶级,关于爱情,关于欲望@@@1@@@这篇影评可能有剧透 一部关于阶级,爱情与欲望的完美的法式轻喜剧。 说它是轻喜剧,只是针对它的开头和中间过程,而不包括它的结局。 它的结局简直让我忧伤的不能自已。男仆人费劲唇舌,说尽世界上一切他所能想到的甜言蜜语,换回的也仅仅是女主人眉宇间不流露丝毫感情的,冷冷的目光。虽... (展开)@@@