long hello and short goodbye



  when ben is released from prison, undercover police agent melody picks him up at the gate. kahnitz, her sinister and ambitious boss, wants to see ben convicted of another crime as soon as possible. since ben seems to show only mild interest both in melody and in safe-busting she has to come up with a plan. alas, the talkative cop has developed quite a liking for the taciturn ga...

上映地区 德国
上映时间 1999-07-15
国家 德国
地区 德国
子类型 惊悚
年份 1999
片长 95 分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
语言 德语
豆瓣短评数量 5
豆瓣短评时间 2014-02-01
豆瓣短评赞数 0
豆瓣长评数量 0

long hello and short goodbye


long hello and short goodbye


long hello and short goodbye

  • marc hosemann
  • nicolette krebitz
  • sunnyi melles
  • 剧情

    when ben is released from prison,undercover police agent melody picks him up at the gate. kahnitz,her sinister and ambitious boss,wants to see ben convicted of another crime as soon as possible. since ben seems to show only mild interest both in melody and in safe-busting she has to come up with a plan. alas,the talkative cop has developed quite a liking for the taciturn ga...


    Long Hello and Short Goodbye


    long hello and short goodbye


    long hello and short goodbye

  • jimmy yassa-campos
  • rainer kaufmann
  • martin glade
  • 阿克塞尔·米尔伯格
  • 演员
  • jimmy yassa-campos
  • marc hosemann
  • nicolette krebitz
  • sunnyi melles
  • martin glade
  • 阿克塞尔·米尔伯格
  • 英文名

    long hello and short goodbye

  • 851010@@@2014-02-01@@@0@@@孙悟空的造型还能高端到哪去,不就是战袍加毛?!
  • May@@@2014-02-01@@@0@@@深深的对牛魔王的魔界震撼到了。
  • 烟火@@@2014-02-01@@@0@@@对我的胃口,我看了那个3d的视频,做的特效非常的好的。
  • 露露@@@2014-02-01@@@0@@@期待电影上映,看看甄子丹是如何重新演绎的吧。
  • 麦麦@@@2014-02-01@@@0@@@牛魔王。。。他是和孙悟空联手,还是自己就跟天庭抗衡啊?好霸气的感觉。