


Parag Dixit is living a dream life with a great job and his loving girlfriend Maansi! However things take an ugly turn when after a series of unfortunate events he suddenly wakes up in jail; handcuffed and randomly beaten up by the cops. Parag is perplexed and in a place far from his utopian life. He tries hard to face away from the ugly truth and wish itls all a bad dream, but soon succumbs to the prison anarchy. The only salvation he finds is in Nawaab, a convict and a warden who believes that Parag is innocent. Soon, Parag discovers the inner mechanism and the science responsible for the wretched status inside the prison and hordes of broken hearts and shattered souls which managed to find comfort amidst the four prison walls. He is left with a choice, to either live a life that is controlled and exploited or fight against the system!

Mtime评分 暂无评分
上映地区 印度
上映时间 2009-11-06
中文名 监狱走一回
原始名称 监狱走一回
国家 印度
地区 印度
外文名 jail
子类型 剧情
导演 马德哈尔·班达卡
年份 2009
片长 131分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
英文名 jail
评论 0 条影评
语言 印地语
豆瓣短评数量 4
豆瓣长评数量 1

and wish itls all a bad dream,but...

  • 尼尔·尼汀·穆科什/parag dixit
  • 米特胡恩·查克拉波../nawab
  • 角色
  • nawab
  • parag dixit
  • 豆瓣短评
  • joe990@@@2015-07-15@@@1@@@其实题材挺好的。讲述了印度司法制度的腐败和漏洞百出。让无数无辜的人坐牢。但是这些演员演的实在是太次了!感觉就是一群特业余的群众演员为了把自己角色演好使了浑身解数来演绎,但是却弄巧成拙。让人不忍观看。
  • 一声叹息@@@2012-03-05@@@0@@@这男猪脚拍《纽约》的时候还罢了