john henry



by Rick Anderson Just in case you thought that the only thing they were capable of was smart-aleck herky-jerk novelty tunes, on John HenryJohn Flansburgh and John Linnell put together an honest-to-goodness rock band and show that they know how to use it. And the result is one of the more satisfying They Might Be Giants projects, a crunchy yet sweet assortment of the usual bemusement ("Unrelated Thing"), weirdness ("Spy"), and smart-aleck herky-jerk novelty tunes ("Meet James Ensor," "Extra Savoir Faire") bolstered by unusually hard-rocking accompaniment. Kudos to bass player (and Pere Ubu alumnus) Tony Maimone and to drummer Brian Doherty for coming up with the tectonic groove that powers "AKA Driver" and to everyone involved for the irresistible guitar pop of "Subliminal" and "I Should Be Allowed to Think." Skip over "O, Do Not Forsake Me" and the throwaway instrumental "Spy."

原始名称 John Henry
发行时间 1994-09-13
名称 john henry
唱片公司 elektra,records
收藏数 9
歌手 theymightbegiants
类别 录音室专辑
语言 英语
风格 学院摇滚,college,rock
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