don't expect too much



Did Nick Ray leave Hollywood, or did Hollywood leave him? What was he up to when he returned to the States after a decade in Europe? What was his intention with We Can’t Go Home Again, that experimental film he made with a bunch of college students? What was he doing with so many images on the screen all at once? How did he do it? Why was the film never finished? Did he lose his way, his talent, his sanity, his common sense? Don’t Expect Too Much, a feature-length documentary helmed by Ray’s wife Susan, investigates these questions and the relationship forged by Ray between his life and his art. Drawing on the director’s archive of never-before-seen film, video and stills, Susan finds answers to our questions about Nick Ray in Nick Ray’s own words and images. And we learn from interviews with members of the original crew of We Can’t Go Home Again, directors Jim Jarmusch and Victor Erice, and others, how this man lived, saw, learned and taught, how he fought and danced with his demons, how he loved.

上映地区 意大利
上映时间 2011
中文名 don't expect too much
别名 别期望太多
原始名称 Don't Expect Too Much
名称 don't expect too much
国家 美国
地区 美国
外文名 don't expect too much
子类型 纪录片
导演 susan ray
年份 2011
片长 70分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 0
豆瓣长评数量 0

did nick ray leave hollywood,or did hollywood leave him? what was he up to when he returned to the states after a decade in europe? what was his intention with we can’t go home again,that experimental film he made with a bunch of college students? what was he doing with so many images on the screen all at once? how did he do it? why was the film never finished? did he lose hi...