about a boy



休葛兰之非关男孩(About A Boy)电影原声带 就当2000年的英国水星音乐奖(Mercury Music Prize)舍当时最呛红超级新团Coldplay(酷玩乐团)、而把年度专辑大奖颁给涂鸦男孩(Badly Drawn Boy)的第一张专辑《The Hour Of Bewilderbeat》(矛盾兽性时刻)之时,新民谣运动就已经在两极的评价反应声浪之中,悄然立下攻克英伦的胜利旗帜!而后续的大军进驻,也把版图扩展至周边的欧陆各国。然而,仅在独立音乐领域大红大紫的新民谣运动,就真的突破不过那一条深遂的主流/非主流音乐疆界吗? 身为领导者的涂鸦男孩,当然是义不容辞、身先士卒!在偶然的机会中与同是英国老乡的影坛气质大帅哥休葛兰(Hugh Grant)结识、并成为相互欣赏对方在影/乐坛表现的好朋友后;休大帅哥就极力替涂鸦男孩争取自己所主演新电影《About A Boy》(休葛兰之非关男孩电影原声带)的配乐制作。也获得导演Paul Weitz与Chris Weitz(也是爆笑青春喜剧American Pie【美国派】导演)在音乐上的认同与赏识,涂鸦男孩便开始进行他转型蜕变之重要创举:《About A Boy》的音乐制作! 完全融入剧情、配合各情节转折而精心配置的乐曲,完美地展现了涂鸦男孩为何被美誉“新民谣运动之始作庸者”的浑厚火候!梦幻、活泼、欢愉、轻快的节奏,乘载着涂鸦男孩慵懒、风趣的诙谐歌声;不时衬入的奇幻声响、与优雅的管弦乐音共鸣,让整张原声带已俨然自成为一部风趣迷人的音乐电影! 《About A Boy》(休葛兰之非关男孩电影原声带),绝对是一张可以雅俗共赏的原创性音乐专辑、也是涂鸦男孩真正让全球乐坛一窥他何以率领众新民谣运动大军征服欧陆乐界的音乐实力! by John Bush It was an odds-on favorite that Badly Drawn Boy's warped yet sunny vision of pop would fit in well with a Nick Hornby novel-turned-movie (especially one about a sensitive, literate, slightly confused man struggling with the responsibilities of most persons his age). Still, there were several unknowns going into the project. Could an artistic iconoclast like Damon Gough control himself when forced to conform by writing a set of songs for specific situations? Would his collection of eccentric production touches, pure honey to any introspective music fan, make any sense in the context of a highly anticipated, wide-release film? Could he even write an entire soundtrack, during an era when most artists hardly average an album every three years? While a first listen proves that Gough's songwriting smarts are so powerful and wide-ranging they work in any context (much less pop songs for movies), several listens are necessary for its real brilliance to shine through. In a similar fashion to the work of Harry Nilsson, his closest pop forebear, a Badly Drawn Boy song is deceptively simple; his pleasant melodies often cloak a set of sharp, thoughtful lyrics and many graceful harmonic turns. Gough's voice, emotional with just a hint of gravel, sounds perfect behind the Hollywood sheen of these arrangements, with Tom Rothrock behind the boards. The single "Silent Sigh" is the highlight, with Gough masterfully tripping over his lines and accentuating the title with his breathy delivery. It's the cumulative weight, however, that really impresses. Each of these songs works well -- even the tossed-off electro-pop pieces "S.P.A.T." and "File Me Away" -- in either the delightful context of the movie or as a stand-alone work. Though both artist and label hedged bets by explaining it away as an outside work and not the "official" Badly Drawn Boy sophomore album, it's difficult to imagine how Badly Drawn Boy could've improved on The Hour of Bewilderbeast any better than this astonishing work.

原始名称 About a Boy
发行时间 2002-04-23
名称 about a boy
唱片公司 索尼音乐
收藏数 182
歌手 badly drawn boy
类别 录音室专辑
语言 英语
风格 rock
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