patrick leigh-fermor



patrick leigh-fermor was born on february 11, 1915 in london, england as patrick michael leigh fermor. he was a writer, known for the roots of heaven (1958), the 11th day (2005) and travellers' century (2008). he was married to joan monsell. he died on june 10, 2011 in dumbleton, worcestershire, england.

中文名 patrick leigh-fermor
出生地 英国,伦敦
出生日期 1915-02-11
外文名 编剧1915-02-11
年龄 96
星座 水瓶
编剧作品 the roots of heaven
身份 编剧
逝世日期 2011-06-10
Alias patrick leigh-fermor
Extra patrick leigh-fermor
Name patrick leigh-fermor
原始名称 Patrick Leigh-Fermor
名称 patrick leigh-fermor
  • the roots of heaven
  • 第11天
  • 别名

    patrick michael leigh fermor ,paddy

  • travellers' century
  • 第11天
  • 精选上位词
  • 影视明星
  • 明星