
elly er r·kelly r·kelly


小档案 中文名称 罗伯特.西尔维斯特.凯利 外文名称 R. Kelly 音乐风格 R 代表作 I Believe I Can Fly 国 籍 美国 出生日期 1967年1月8日 出生地 美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市 星 座 摩羯座 艺人资料 R. Kelly〔全名为Robert Sylvester Kelly(罗伯特.西尔维斯特.凯利)〕1967年1月8日出生于美国伊利诺伊州的芝加哥市。,美国创作歌手兼唱片制作人。 R. Kelly被称作史上最成功的R&B艺人之一,誉为R&B之王,凭借全球卖出超过一亿五千万张专辑的惊人销售量、一千五百万张的单曲销售数字、13首单曲排行冠军纪录R. Kelly成为20世纪90年代至今,最具代表性的畅销天王之一。 早年经历 1967年1月8日,R. Kelly出生在美国最大的湖港城市,伊利诺伊州芝加哥市的南部地区,并且取了一个很男性的名字Steven Williams。生于芝加哥贫民区的R. Kelly,童年并不顺遂,在他儿时的记忆中,父亲的印象并不深刻,从小父亲便离开他的身边,由母亲扶养长大。小时候的愿望是成为一个有名的篮球选手,但在13岁那年骑脚踏车经过一个蛮荒的郊区时,不良少年为了抢脚踏车而用枪击中了R. Kelly的肩膀,因此他的篮球梦碎了,至今还有一部份的子弹留在R. Kelly的体内。然而也让R. Kelly走向另一项才华的道路--音乐。 从小他就喜欢在芝加哥街头摆弄电子键盘来演奏音乐,并且从那时起,R. Kelly就开始自己创作音乐。随后,由于在一次电视节目的新人秀中获胜,R. Kelly的才华得以在人们面前展示。 高中时R. Kelly加入了合唱团,在那里遇见了他一生中最敬爱的女老师,并启发了他对音乐的热爱及音乐上的才能,R. Kelly以土法炼钢的方式练习弹琴,坐在钢琴前,用自己的听力弹出音乐。之后他凑钱买了一台Keyboard,并带著它四处旅行。"嗯,这开始就像个笑话一样。我和伙伴们就在街头表演。"R. Kelly回忆说道:"其中一位伙伴在我弹Keyboard时,把帽子放在地上,而路人开始纷纷把钱放进来,结果这成了我们的工作。我现在只是把这件事扩大成我的事业。"他们在芝加哥的街头吸引了众多的听众围观,但也惹来不少警察来阻挠取缔。然而没有任何事可以浇熄R. Kelly对音乐的狂热。终于,R. Kelly成为地方一个流行R&B团体MGM的一员,并在高收视率电视节目Big Break中演出,广受好评。 演艺经历 1991年,R. Kelly迎来了自己音乐生涯的重要时刻,与唱片公司Jive Records签约。之后R. Kelly在录音室中潜心创作,同年发行第一张出道专辑《活在90年代,Born Into The '90s》。这张代表灵魂乐(Soul music)与摇摆乐(Swing music)的专辑,深深影响R&B界,并在美国创下白金唱片的佳绩,并拥有两首冠军单曲Honey Love和Slow Dance。R. Kelly挟带著在美国的佳绩进攻英国市场,几场在英国Hammersmith Apollo的演唱会门票全部销售一空,专辑也在英国创下金唱片佳绩。 1993年,R. Kelly发行了第二张专辑《12 Play》,专辑中的其中三首单曲《Your Body's Calling》、《She's Got The Vibe》、《Bump And Grind》皆攻下美国告示牌(Billboard)排行榜单曲冠军宝座,专辑也冲向R&B专辑榜冠军,此张专辑在排行榜上整整停留了100个星期,成了R. Kelly第二张白金唱片专辑,总销售超过5百万张。 1994年全年,R. Kelly都一直致力于帮助当时只有15岁的歌手Aaliyah(艾莉雅)制作和宣传专辑,随后不久又媒体披露了R. Kelly和年仅15的Aaliyah已经结婚的消息,一时间媒体的花边新闻满天飞,争议和批评之声也非常之盛。但是,两个人的事业并没有受到太多的影响,R. Kelly随后与世界著名流行音乐天王迈克尔.杰克逊(Michael Jackson)共同创作并录制了其专辑《History》中的单曲《You Are Not Alone》。 1995年,第三张同名专辑《R. Kelly》的出现象征著R. Kelly个人音乐创作生涯迈向了第一个成熟的阶段,并将R. Kelly在R 杰克逊)的重新混音,而让人印象最深刻的是他替迈克尔.杰克逊创作的冠军单曲《You Are Not Alone》,这首畅销全球的冠军单曲,也打响了R. Kelly全球知名度。之后两年中间,R. Kelly也为Luther Vandross(路德.范德鲁斯)、Changing Faces、Mary J. Blige(玛丽.布莱姬)、Toni Braxton(唐妮.布莱斯顿)等人制作了不少脍炙人口的歌曲。 1996年,R. Kelly为篮球上帝迈克尔.乔丹的电影《Space Jam》(空中大灌篮)录制的单曲《I Believe I Can Fly》成为了他最伟大的单曲之一,在1997年度第40届格莱美奖颁奖中,R. Kelly凭借着这首单曲,而一举获得了最佳影视歌曲(Best Song Written Specifically For A Motion Picture Or For Television),最佳R&B男歌手(Best Male R&B Vocal Performance),最佳R&B歌曲(Best Rhythm & Blues Song)三项大奖。这也让R. Kelly个人的音乐事业进入了全盛期,随后他创作的单曲《Gotham City》又入选当年的动作大片《蝙蝠侠与罗宾》的电影原声。 在1998年,R. Kelly发行了他迄今为止最为畅销的专辑《R.》,这张双CD的大制作专辑的美国本土销量超过了800万张。与流行天后Celine Dion(席琳.迪翁)合作的单曲《I'm Your Angel》再次垄断了各大排行榜近两个月的时间。 进入新千年以后,R. Kelly的音乐没能再有大的突破,2000年,他发行了第五张专辑《TP-2. Com》,2002年他又和Jay-Z一起发行了《The Best of Both Worlds》,两张专辑也分别取得了一定的成功。但是在这年芝加哥一份报纸披露了一条对R. Kelly极为不利的报道,在报道披露的一份家庭录像带中R. Kelly和一名不满14岁的幼女发生了性行为。一石激起千层浪,大大小小的媒体都从这件事入手大作文章,甚至有报道称R. Kelly一直和未成年女孩保持不正当的性关系,甚至据报道还有未成年女孩在意外怀孕后,受R. Kelly要求而被迫堕胎,而这盘受争议的色情录像带甚至被人拿到网上高价出售。在法庭没有确认那名录像带中的男子是否为R. Kelly之前,他承受了巨大的压力,他的名字开始从许多音乐媒体和电台的节目中消失,专辑《The Best of Both Worlds》的销量也一落千丈,因为那些唱片经销商们迫于压力把他的专辑放在了不起眼的位置上。 最终,歌手Sparkle指证那盘录像带中的女孩是他未满14岁的侄女,不久,R. Kelly被芝加哥警方以涉嫌21宗儿童性侵犯案请到了局里。R. Kelly为自己进行了辩护,在随后的一段时期他的新单曲《Heaven, I Need a Hug》在各大音乐电台点播中意外的火爆,R. Kelly还"忙里偷闲"的录制了许多新歌,不久在2003年2月份发行了《Chocolate Factory》,三个月的时间,销量超过了两百万。2003年9月23日,R. Kelly发行了第一张精选集《R. In R&B Collection, Vol. 1》 从受到"色情录像带事件"的负面影响之后,R. Kelly的音乐事业出现了滑坡,专辑的销量和以前相比明显下滑,在2003年推出的新专辑《Chocolate Factory》虽成绩尚可,也还是没能继续过去的辉煌。为了进一步扭转在音乐界被动的局面,《R. In R&B Collection, Vol. 1》这张精选集就正式发行了,继续来证明R. Kelly并没有受到丑闻的影响,不过这张精选集的销量显然并不是十分理想,首周25万张的销量和排行榜第4名的成绩并不能和他在R&B音乐界的地位相匹配。 这还是R. Kelly出道十多年来的第一张精选集,因此这张专辑中的歌曲涵盖了他从1992年的第一张专辑《Born Into the 90's》到最近的《Chocolate Factory》,不过似乎由于一张CD的容量有限,并没有能够把他所有的好歌全部收录。例如第一张专辑就只收录了《Honey Love》和《She's Got That Vibe》,而同样出色的《Slow Dance》就没能入选。但是第二张专辑中的白金单曲全部入选,并且在精选中编排为开篇的前三首。而R. Kelly颠峰的两张专辑《R. Kelly》和《R.》中的包括著名的《I'm Your Angel》等许多首打榜白金单曲也没有落下,悉数入选,再加上从新千年的两张专辑中抽取的几首好歌,就组成了这张含金量颇高的精选集。同时这张精选集的编排也非常不错,R. Kelly把他最著名的两首单曲《I'm Your Angel》和《I Believe I Can Fly》作为压轴曲目,足以看出身处困境的R. Kelly非常希望利用这张精选能够帮他继续在音乐界占据原有的领土。应该说这一张精选集会让喜欢R. Kelly的歌迷听起来很痛快,也会让那些希望听一听R. Kelly的歌迷对他的音乐能有一个大体的了解。 来自风城芝加哥,R. Kelly在音乐路上不断证明自己有多么了不起,他词曲创作、演唱或制作的能力,可以用他所得过的重要奖项做证明:14个告示牌音乐奖、3座格莱美奖、3个灵魂列车奖座,以及全美音乐奖、BET奖、Source与Vibe奖各1座。这些为数可观的奖座就是最好的证明,而且这只是目前为止的成绩。拥有超过3000万张销售成绩的R. Kelly曾是一位篮球好手,但是一再复发的旧伤迫使他改用音乐来证明自己的独特。自从1992年与《Public Announcement》核发了首张专辑就获得白金后,皆下来所有的个人专辑都是多白金的畅销专辑,尤其是1998年的这张双CD专辑《R.》更有一般版(explicit)与修剪版(edited)都卖出8白金的夸张成绩。 2007年发布最新专辑《Double Up》。 2008年发布最新专辑《Fourth Quarter》。并且为了庆祝奥巴马成为美国历史上第一位黑人总统,出了一个单曲《I Believe》,感动了世人,也给陷入丑闻的他带来了正面的影响。 美国R 希尔森)合作的首支单曲《Number One》已经面世,在Billboard Hot R&B,Hip-Hop单曲榜中名列第八位,在Hot 100单曲榜中排在第68位。已经收获9万1千次下载量的《Number One》是R. Kelly在Billboard Hot R&B,Hip-Hop单曲榜中第35首Top 10单曲,截至目前,他已经超越了传奇爵士歌手Nat King Cole(纳京高)的纪录,成为Billboard Hot R&B,Hip-Hop单曲榜中拥有Top 10单曲数量最多的歌手。 2010年12月发行专辑《Love Letter》。 2012年6月发行专辑《Write Me Back》。 2013年12月发行专辑《Black Panties》。 2014年发行精选集《The Essential R Kelly》。 2015年12月发行录音室专辑《The Buffet》。 2016年开启The Buffet Tour 巡演,同年为弗林特水危机捐款。 Life and career Robert Sylvester "R" Kelly (born January 8, 1967) is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, and former professional basketball player. A native of Chicago, Illinois, Kelly began performing during the late 1980s and debuted in 1992 with the group Public Announcement. In 1993, Kelly went solo with the album '12 Play'. He is known for a collection of major hit singles including "Bump N' Grind", "Your Body's Callin'", "I Believe I Can Fly", "Gotham City", "Ignition (Remix)", "If I Could Turn Back the Hands of Time", "The World's Greatest", "I'm a Flirt (Remix)", and the hip-hopera "Trapped in the Closet". In 1998, Kelly won three Grammy Awards for "I Believe I Can Fly". His distinctive sound and style has influenced numerous hip hop and contemporary R&B artists. Kelly became the first music star to play professional basketball, when he got signed in 1997. Kelly has written, produced, and remixed songs and albums for many artists, including Aaliyah's 1994 debut album 'Age Ain't Nothing but a Number'. In 1996, Kelly was nominated for a Grammy for writing Michael Jackson's song "You Are Not Alone". In 2002 and 2004, Kelly released collaboration albums with rapper Jay-Z and has been a guest vocalist for other hip hop artists like Nas, Sean Combs, and The Notorious B.I.G. The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) has recognized R. Kelly as one of the best-selling music artists in the United States with 40 million albums sold as well as only the fifth black artist to crack the top 50 of the same list. In March 2011, R. Kelly was named the most successful R Billboard'.Kelly has released 12 solo studio albums, and sold over 100 million records worldwide making him the most successful R Billboard' as the most successful R Billboard', NAACP and American Music Award. On September 23, 2011, 'Variety' confirmed that Kelly has signed on to write original music for the Sparkle soundtrack.On April 25, 2011, Director Salkim Akli was quoted saying, "Hopefully, R. Kelly will come on and do some of the music for the film.On December 21, 2011, Kelly made a live appearance on 'The X Factor (U.S.)' and gave his first performance since undergoing emergency throat surgery in the summer. He sang his classic hit "I Believe I Can Fly" with finalist Melanie Amaro and received positive reviews from critics. Kelly revealed to 'Rolling Stone' that he felt like he was "just starting out" and how the performance was a "wake up call" for him. His memoir entitled 'Soulacoaster' was released in the Summer of 2012. On January 31, 2012, Kelly revealed in a radio interview that he's releasing a follow-up to the 'Love Letter' album titled 'Write Me Back'. The album is a mix of Kelly's previous albums; 'Love Letter', 'Happy People' and a little bit of 'TP-2.Com'.On February 18, 2012, R. Kelly performed at Whitney Houston's memorial. Kelly performed the ballad 'I Look to You', a song he wrote for Whitney that she released on July 23, 2009. The song was included in her seventh and final studio album, also titled I Look to You. After singing the song he said, "We love you Whitney. Rest in Peace." before leaving the stage.On June 26, 2012, Kelly released his eleventh studio album, 'Write Me Back'. During 2013, R. Kelly has been continuing his "The Single Ladies Tour". He has also been performing at a variety of music festivals across North America, including Bonnarro, Pitchfork, and Macy's Music Festival. On June 30, 2013, R. Kelly performed live at BET Awards Show for the first time in many years, singing a medley of his hits as well as a snippet of his new track "My Story" featuring Atlanta rapper 2 Chainz. This was followed by news that Kelly was releasing the song as the lead single for his upcoming twelfth studio album 'Black Panties'. The album itself was officially released on December 10, 2013. In late 2013, R. Kelly announced with Rap-Up TV that he was planning to release the sequel to the album 'Black Panties' for the summer of 2014, 'White Panties'. He also added that he is finishing up a Christmas album for late 2014 called 'The 12 Nights Of Christmas'. R. Kelly is also planning a tour with R Trapped in the Closet'. Stepping away from his music, R. Kelly is planning to make his debut as a film director and producer sometime during 2014 or 2015 and also plans on taking his musical 'Trapped in the Closet to Broadway'. In July 2014, Kelly announced at the Chosen Few DJs Picnic in hometown Chicago that he's currently working on a House music album. "I want y'all to know a secret," R. Kelly said. "I'm working on a house album right now, and I want y'all to know, it's coming. And y'all know, I love music and I feel like I can do anything when it comes to music because I am music - just like y'all." On July 14, 2015, R. Kelly announced that 'The Buffet' will be released September 25, 2015. However it was later pushed back to December 11, 2015. The album's first single "Backyard Party" was released August 21, 2015. The album's second single "Switch Up" was released November 5, 2015. In 2016, Kelly donated cases of water to the Flint water crisis.He started The Buffet Tour in the same year. (更多)

国籍 美国
地区 欧美
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
  • 罗•凯利
  • 罗凯利
  • 原始名称
  • R Kelly
  • R. Kelly
  • R.Kelly
  • 名称
  • r· kelly
  • r·kelly
  • 精选别名
  • elly
  • er
  • r·kelly
  • 罗凯利
  • 风格
  • 新杰克摇摆乐 new jack swing
  • 流行说唱 pop rap
  • 节奏布鲁斯 r&b
  • 都市音乐 urban