brandon flowers

brandon richard flowers


Brandon Flowers在1981年6月21日出生于美国内华达州拉斯维加斯,他的父母分别是苏格兰和立陶宛血统,之后他们在犹他州尼法市将布兰登抚养长大。布兰登的父亲在拉斯维加斯的赌场担任传达员(bellman)以及商品小贩,他的母亲则是一位家庭主妇。布兰登认为他对流行的品味是受到他姊姊的影响。他的父母曾要求他去上钢琴课,但布兰登自己表示他的音乐技巧都是来自他的哥哥夏恩(Shane),夏恩播放了史密斯合唱团(The Smiths)的音乐录影带,以及U2的《Rattle and Hum》电影给他看。此外,布兰登也提到夏恩经常会询问他对于音乐和相关事物的看法。 随着 The Killers 的暂休计划,主唱 Brandon Flowers 心里也打起了小算盘,Solo 专辑的发行也排入2010年的日程表 Flowers, the youngest of six children, was born on June 21, 1981 in Henderson, Nevada (near Las Vegas) to parents of partial Scottish and Lithuanian ancestry. Growing up, his mother was homemaker and his father worked for a grocery store. His father joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when Flowers was five years old. They lived in Henderson until Flowers was eight, when they moved to Nephi, Utah. Flowers lived in Nephi until his junior year in Juab High School, when he moved back to Las Vegas to live with his aunt. Brandon's brother, Shane, 12 years his senior (born July 4, 1969 and sung about in The Killers song "Sam's Town") is said to be most responsible for Flowers' musical development; he showed him Smiths videos and U2's Rattle and Hum movie. His older brother also introduced him to The Cars, Morrissey, and The Cure. Musically, Flowers is an anglophile and a fan of English bands New Order, The Smiths, Pet Shop Boys, Depeche Mode, and Oasis. He credits the Pet Shop Boys song "Being Boring", especially the lyrics "I never dreamt that I would get to be , The creature that I always meant to be", as a major life influence. He has stated that "It was really weird because other kids were buying Tool and Nirvana and I was buying The Cars and The Psychedelic Furs. I was pretty alienated as a kid." He states that seeing an Oasis concert, particularly their performance on Don't Look Back In Anger, made him decide to pursue a career in music. (更多)

别名 brandon richard flowers
原始名称 Brandon Flowers
名称 brandon flowers
国籍 美国
地区 欧美
等价别名 brandon richard flowers
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
精选别名 brandon richard flowers
  • 合成器流行 synthpop
  • 流行摇滚 pop rock
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