the silver cord



by Jo-Ann Greene The Classic Crime's acoustic set was themed around the toll touring took on the band, and this is where the band are still mired in "The Beginning", the song that counter-intuitively closes The Silver Cord. It's a lovely, lilting number washed in homesickness but hopeful for a happy homecoming. Working backwards from "The Beginning," the album pulls Crime into ever deeper depths of despondency, as they explore life's larger questions, and are drawn into emo territory. Crime's journey ends at "The End", which actually kicks off the set, with an angry, bitter cry aimed at a former friend? themselves? God? All of the above? Turning the album right-side up, this despairing number is followed by the chest-thumping pain of "Just a Man", and then "Grave Digging", with its plea to "give me your poison pills tonight," a punk-rocking suicide ride. Slivers of hope are found amongst the din of the many despairing songs, the accepting "The Way That You Are" for instance, or the clinging to the life-raft lyric, "I know there's more to life than drinking," shouted through "Medisin". But mostly there's self-flagellation, as Matt McDonald bemoans, "Like salt in the snow, I'm melted and left on the side of the road," and shouts. "How long will we be desperately alone.... How long will we have to pay for what we've done?" Later he turns his whip angrily on listeners, announcing, "We're all the same...we're all to blame for spending way too much time on ourselves." The lyrics, as overwrought as they'll look on the screen, ring with conviction, and more than enough truth to resonate. With the insights revealed on "Medisin", Cord begins "The Ascent" towards optimism. The mood dramatically shifts with the uplifting "Sing" and the joyous "Everything", and reaches an apotheosis with "Closer than We Think", where McDonald sweetly sings "We will not die so easily...we're closer than we think to hope." Now put in it's proper place at the end, "The Beginning" is no longer a bridge between Sessions and Cord, but transforms into a joyous return to life and the land of the living. Context is everything, and by careful sequencing what could have been a descent into desolation and demise is instead a rapture like rise out of depression and pessimism which climbs slowly into the realm of hope and happiness.

原始名称 The Silver Cord
发行时间 2008-07-22
名称 the silver cord
唱片公司 emi百代唱片
收藏数 6
歌手 群星
类别 录音室专辑
语言 英语
  • 专辑
  • 群星的专辑
  • 风格
  • rock
  • 另类摇滚 alternative rock
  • 流行 pop
  • 独立摇滚 indie rock
  • 福音 gospel