christopher j· wilmot



christopher j. wilmot,christopher j wilmot is a film producer and actor. he is known for his role as producer and executive producer of the award-winning film "lucky" (south africa - 2011); executive producer - "revenge for jolly!" (2012) atlas entertainment - sony pictures; post-production:"hero of the underworld" (2015); actor ("davis"), and exec. producer.

中文名 christopher j. wilmot
别名 christopher wilmot
原始名称 Christopher J. Wilmot
名称 christopher j· wilmot
外文名 演员
导演作品 hero of the underworld
演员作品 hero of the underworld
身份 演员
  • showing roots
  • 为朱莉报仇
  • 遇见幸福
  • 精选上位词
  • hero of the underworld的导演
  • 导演
  • 影视明星
  • 明星