


by gary hill wisconsin-based kopecky is an instrumental progressive rock group. the members of the band are all brothers. the lineup is joe kopecky (guitar), paul (drums and percussion), and william (bass, sitar, and keys). their self-titled debut was released in 1999. serpentine kaleidoscope followed the next year and a live album, orion, was released in 2001. (更多)

Alias kopecky
Extra kopecky
Name kopecky
原始名称 Kopecky
名称 kopecky
地区 欧美

<info><id>969430</id><desc><![cdata[by gary hill\nwisconsin-based kopecky is an instrumental progressive rock group. the members of the band are all brothers. the lineup is joe kopecky (guitar), paul (drums and percussion), and william (bass, sitar, and keys). their self-titled debut was released in 1999. serpentine kaleidoscope followed the next year and a live album, orion, was released in 2001.></desc><basic></basic><other></other></info>

  • 团体
  • 欧美音乐团体
  • 音乐团体
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