


Insolence是组多达6人的重力摇滚团,包括了沉重猛烈的Mech 1及高吭激昂的Mark Herman双主唱,加上重击猛拍的鼓手Armando Cardenas,大胆跳跃的贝斯手Paul Perry,厚重速弹的吉它手Mike Rowan与技巧高超的DJ Jerry Dalalo。听他们威猛狂爆的厚重响音,振破你层层厚实的防卫音墙!吃惯重咸湿摇滚口味的你,不谓是顿可口美味的全新顶级佳肴! Biography by MacKenzie Wilson San Jose, CA's Insolence formed in 1995 with Billy "Mech 1" Rosenthal (vocals), Mark Herman (vocals), Paul Perry (bass), DJ Jerry M. Delalo, and Mando Cardenas (drums). Together, the fivesome delivered heavy hard rock antics alongside elements of hip-hop for a sharp modern rock sound. Guitarist Mike Rowan joined the band prior to Insolence's deal with Maverick at the start of the new millennium. Hed to Hed marked the band's debut, issued in spring 2001. (更多)

别名 insolence
Alias insolence
Extra insolence
Name insolence
原始名称 Insolence
名称 insolence
地区 欧美
  • 团体
  • 欧美音乐团体
  • 音乐团体
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