philippe rombi

菲力·浦宏比 菲力浦宏比


born: 3rd April 1968 in Pau, France education: Began his musical studies in the Conservatoire National de R gion of Marseille. Received First Prize for conducting, Golden Medal in piano and in chamber music, Grand Prix of the City of Marseille. He then worked on music for movies at Ecole Sup rieure de Musique of Paris, in the class of Antoine Duhamel. Dipl me Superieur de Composition. biography: Began composing for short films for the pupils of the Ecole Nationale Sup rieure des M tiers de l'Image et du Son (F mis) and then worked on his first movie with Fran ois Ozon. director collaboration: Fran ois Ozon, Yves Lavandier, Christian Carion. Frank Marquet (更多)

别名 菲力·浦宏比
原始名称 Philippe Rombi
名称 philippe rombi
国籍 法国
地区 欧美
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
风格 原声 soundtrack
  • 菲力·浦宏比
  • 菲力浦宏比