


英国的Clea美少女组合来自Popstars: The Rivals 节目,她们其实就是在The Rivals节目最后进入决赛,但是没有成功加入Girls Aloud的四人,因为有相同的梦想还有音乐理念,所以在2002年她们组成了Clea。 Clea其实就是取自四位团员Lynsey,Emma,Aim e和Chloe的字母开头。 2005年9月Clea与舞曲团体Da Playaz合作了一张单曲We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off,这是重唱了Jermaine Stewart的歌曲,变化很大,像是早期的Atomic Kitten的啦啦队风格。2006的五月她们即将发行第四张单曲Lucky Like That。不过后来Chloe离开了团体,现在只剩下了Lea。不过依然保持原名Clea。 Trinity在是她们2006年的最新专辑。Clea的很多单曲都会在UK Charts上榜上有名。除了We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off和Lucky Like That之外,专辑中另外2首歌曲Stuck In The Middle和Download It都在英国排行榜上成绩斐然。 2007年,欧洲最著名的舞曲厂牌ToCo联手EMI在中国发行了她们的最新专辑,并在5月来到中国演出,誓将她们的活力带给中国乐迷,公司也希望在继Spice Girls, Atomic Kitten后,为乐坛再打造出一支活力青春亲切的女子舞曲偶像团体。Clea多少继承了曾经流行女子组合的优良传统,虽然一直未能成为一支大红大紫的团体,但是并不一定比当红的Girls Aloud来得差劲,实际上我反而觉得这张Clea的新专辑要远比Girls Aloud的上两张专辑来得出色,话也说回来,Clea还真的和Girls Aloud有很大的关系,他们都是来自Popstars: The Rivals 节目,最大的不同是Girls Aloud是最后的获胜者,而Clea没能成为冠军,不过Clea还是存活了下载,Clea是取自四位团员Lynsey,Emma,Aim e和Chloe的字母开头,不过后来Chloe离开了团体,现在只剩下了Lea。不过依然保持原名Clea。 by Jon O'Brien Formed by the losing finalists of ITV's Popstars: The Rivals, pure pop girl band Clea struggled to compete with the critical and commercial success of the show's winners, Girls Aloud. Lynsey Brown, Chloe Staines, Emma Beard, and Aimee Kearsley all auditioned for the TV talent contest in 2002. After being picked for the live final stages, they failed to reach the all-important final five, finishing 10th, 9th, 8th and 7th respectively. Sixth place finalist Javine decided to go solo, but the remaining four decided to form Clea, an acronym of the first letter of their forenames. After signing a deal with Warner offshoot 1967 Records, the band released debut single, &Download It& (number 21), but after second single &Stuck in the Middle& (number 23) also failed to reach the Top 20, their debut album Identity Crisis was shelved. It was eventually released in Eastern Europe and Japan but soon after the girls were dropped by their label. The same year, Chloe left the group due to a clash of personalities and the new trio signed to Upside Management. With a new Europop sound, they released &Clothes Off,& (number 35) a collaboration with dance producers Da Playaz on a reworking of the Jermaine Stewart hit from the '80s. But fourth single, &Lucky Like That,& (number 55) missed the Top 40 altogether and their album Trinity, featuring songs taken from their shelved debut plus brand new recordings, only reached number 258 in the album charts. In 2007, Lynsey became the second member to leave, and Emma and Aimee formed dance-pop act LoveShy. The girls made it through to the final six of BBC's Eurovision -- Your Decision, a show designed to find the U.K. entrant for the Eurovision Song Contest. But after their track &Mr Gorgeous,& failed to win, they decided to call it a day.

唱片公司 百代版权
国籍 英国
地区 欧美
所属公司 百代版权
类似歌手 相似艺人
Alias clea
Extra clea
Name clea
原始名称 Clea
名称 clea
精选上位词 歌手