william christie

威廉 克里斯蒂


尊贵的克里斯蒂指挥和大键琴家,是超级巴洛克专家。尤擅指挥 巴洛克时期 清唱剧 歌剧。他于1979年创立了 举世绝伦的古乐团--法国繁盛艺术古乐团Les Arts Florissants--绝世巴洛克乐团。 克里斯蒂悉心培育该团,取得了瞩目成就。乐团为法国古典音乐界注入了全新的血液,他们成功发掘并演绎了大量鲜为人知的曲目(很多是珍藏在法国国家图书馆里的珍品),并最终让大家重新关注、演奏和欣赏这些伟大的作品。 William Lincoln Christie (born December 19, 1944 in Buffalo, New York) is an American-born French conductor and harpsichordist. He is a specialist in baroque repertoire and is the founder of the ensemble Les Arts Florissants. Christie studied art history at Harvard University, where he was briefly assistant conductor of the Harvard Glee Club. From 1966, he began studies at Yale University in music, where he was a student of harpsichordist Ralph Kirkpatrick. He was opposed to the Vietnam War, and served in a reserve officers course to avoid the draft. He subsequently taught at Dartmouth College, but after his Dartmouth post was not renewed, Christie moved to France in 1971. He was one of a number of young men who left the United States at this time because of disagreement with the Vietnam War, and in order to avoid the draft. In France, he became known for his interpretations of Baroque music, particularly French Baroque music, working with Ren Jacobs and others. He also performed contemporary music alongside baroque music with the Ensemble Five Centuries. In 1979, Christie founded Les Arts Florissants, named after the opera of the same name by Marc-Antoine Charpentier, which was to be its first fully staged production. Major recognition came in 1986 with the production of Lullys Atys at the Op ra-Comique in Paris. Christie has also presented and recorded works by Andr Campra, Fran ois Couperin, Claudio Monteverdi and Jean-Philippe Rameau. Christie was a professor at the Paris Conservatoire from 1982 to 1995, and maintains an active role in pedagogy by participating in master classes and academies. In 2002, he founded Le Jardin des Voix, a biennial academy for young singers in Caen. Since 2007, he has had an affiliation with the Juilliard School, providing master classes in historical performance practice. Christie has widened his groups core French repertoire, performing Henry Purcell, George Frideric Handel, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He has been guest conductor at the Glyndebourne Festival, and productions for Zurich Opera and the Opera de Lyon. He has also conducted period-instrument performances with more modern ensembles such as the Berlin Philharmonic. Christie took French citizenship in 1995. He was appointed Chevalier de la L gion dhonneur in 1993 and he is an Officier in the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. He was elected a member of the French Acad mie des Beaux-Arts on November 12, 2008, in the were designated as a monument historique in 2006. (wiki)

别名 威廉 克里斯蒂
原始名称 William Christie
名称 william christie
唱片公司 华纳唱片
国籍 法国
地区 欧美
所属公司 华纳唱片
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
精选别名 威廉 克里斯蒂