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IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 虾米音乐人.独家首发 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 《To The Top 超越》是由顺子、林哲民以及音乐总监-美籍华裔顶尖爵士音乐家Lawrence Ku(顾忠山)共同制作,整张专辑由顾忠山所带领的"THE RED GROOVE PROJECT 红节奏乐队"和部份中国的优秀音乐家参与录制。 这张全新创作专辑《To The Top 超越》囊括了爵士、抒情、雷鬼、Funk,、R 等丰富多元的音乐元素,台湾朋友们将看到,听到一个全新的顺子! 缪斯总是如此难以捉摸,没人能预料她何时出现,何时消失。 当缪斯悄然降临在我肩上,感谢她总能让我的音乐和文字灵感如涌泉般浮现。 距离上一张专辑发行至今,这段历时八年的漫长旅程,我的缪斯女神终於出现!启发和帮助我创作出这些歌曲,呈现了我身为艺术家和音乐人的自我期许,这段创作之路也让我学会付出更多的耐心和毅力。 感谢朋友们的支持和鼓励,尤其是歌迷朋友- 感谢你们总为我带来更多启发。 感谢这一路上所有优秀音乐人朋友们的支持和激励,让我可以继续"唱我的歌"! 希望大家喜欢这张专辑。 顺子 Shunza 2014.03.21 顺子: 顾忠山的作品《Three Doors, Three Keys》以及红节奏乐队的天才成员们的大力帮助让我回想起了自己蓝调、爵士、原声乐器的本源。 作为一直被亚洲华语乐坛定义为流行歌手的我,一直渴望着一新的挑战和突破-不受商业影响的独立音乐。 我在台上演绎《Three Doors, Three Keys》的时候,脑海里想的全是顾忠山的故事,我希望自己可以或多或少地触及他想要表达的意境。 单单这一首歌曲,就让作为歌手的我升华了。我演唱的时候,一切都那么的自然。可以游刃有余地应对这首美妙却难度很大的曲子,使我感到非常骄傲。这难道不是歌唱的真正意义么?就是要让他人看来毫无难度,但其实却难以效仿。 华语乐坛需要像顾忠山以及红节奏这样的音乐人,能与这样一群音乐人合作使我感到万分荣幸。 Lawrence's masterpiece 3 Doors 3 Keys in a nutshell brought me back to my blues,jazz,acoustic roots with the help from the genius of the guys of Red Groove Project. Having lived the life of a popstar in Mandarin Asia, I was starving for a different kind of challenge: non-commercial music. And really good music! When I'm on stage performing 3 Doors 3 Keys, I think of nothing but Lawrence's story and hope I can scratch the surface of what he meant to convey. This song alone has made me a better singer. Everything falls in place when I'm singing it. And I feel proud that I can handle this difficult and gorgeous song with relative ease. Isn't that the meaning of performance? Making it look effortless yet no one else can copy it? Lawrence Ku 顾忠山: 《Three Doors Three Keys》最初是一首纯器乐作品,是当初我还住在北京时,为红节奏的前身所创作的。我喜欢用吉他弹奏这首曲子,但是苦于找不到一个合适的声音来诠释这首歌,所以总是感觉少了一些东西。在完成这首曲子后不久,我遇见了顺子,接下来的几年里,我开始跟她的乐队合作,并举办了几场演出。不久之后,她现在的乐队红节奏诞生了。至少对我来说,能够有这么出色的歌手唱自己的歌,是一个完美的契机,这种机遇千载难逢! 为这首歌填词的时候,我参考了自己非常欣赏的诗人Dylan Thomas的《Fern Hill》以及许多相似主题的诗歌作品,从他们的作品中我获得了很多灵感。"Three Keys"指的是歌曲中三个不同的音调:A调、A小调和降E调。"Three Doors"指的是我们在各自生命旅程中所做出的选择。 我们跟时间的关系非常矛盾,而且令人沮丧。年少的我们拥有充足的时间,多得似乎我们拥有了全世界的时间。随着我们渐渐成长,时光转瞬即逝,我们可以支配的时间越来越少。时间抚平了伤痕,同时慢慢地消磨着我们的生命。这首歌并不快乐,但也不绝望,她传递了一种态度。 我们在生命的旅程中做出了种种选择,造成了不同的结果,有好的有坏的,但是无论结局如何,我们都一路不断行走着,不断尝试着让我们的生命更精彩! Three Doors, Three Keys was originally written as an instrumental song for one of the earliest versions of the Red Groove Project, back when I was still living in Beijing. I would play the melody on the guitar, but it was always a natural vocal melody, that was always the missing ingredient. Shortly after it was written, I met Shunza and a few years after that I started playing a couple shows with her band, and then soon after that, The Red Groove Project became her working band. It was a perfect match, and a perfect opportunity, at least for me, to have this fantastic singer sing my song! I had written lyrics to the song, influenced by a poem I really liked by Dylan Thomas called "Fern Hill", and with some of the same themes. The "Three Keys" refers to the three different keys that the song is in: A, Aminor, and Eb. The "Three Doors" to me refers to the choices we make with the time we have. We have a very contradictory and frustrating relationship to time. When we're young and green, time abounds, we have all the time in the world. But as we get older, time closes in on us and we can't get enough of it. Time heals and is slowly killing us as the same time. I wouldn't call this a happy song. But it's not hopeless either. The choices we make throughout the course of our lives lead to different outcomes, some very positive, some devastating. But through it all, we deal with what we're dealt, we move on, and try to make the best of the time we've got.

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专辑别名 超越
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歌手 顺子
类别 录音室专辑
语言 国语
  • 2014-04-08
  • 2014-12-01
  • 唱片公司
  • 十一音像
  • 独立发行
  • 收藏数
  • 2208
  • 2217
  • 精选上位词
  • 专辑
  • 顺子的专辑
  • 风格
  • jazz
  • 爵士流行 jazz pop