


Pilar and Elvira, two teachers in Spain during the waning years of the Franco era, become friends, then roommates, then ardent lovers. But their blissful time together ends abruptly because during this period in Spain, their love is illegal. When Pilar's domineering mother discovers her daughter's Sapphic propensity, she institutionalizes her, despite her father's objections, telling the doctor to do whatever it takes to "cure" her daughter. For years, Elvira searches for Pilar, writing letters to every asylum in Spain, and imploring Pilar's parents to tell her where she is. But Pilar's mother is resolute. When Elvira finally locates the asylum on her own, the guards refuse her entry, and the emotional anticlimax brings her to her knees. She continues teaching, all the while pining in misery for her one true love. But her plight cannot compare with that of Pilar, who must endure drastic behavioral conditioning and isolation as part of her "therapy". Drained of all her will, and traumatized by the relentless, harsh treatment, Pilar finally convinces her doctor she has lost all attraction to women. Only then does the asylum release her. In the custody of her parents, who severely restrict her comings and goings, she functions as a shadow of her former self. One fateful evening, Elvira shows up at her doorstep, and Pilar's mother turns her away once more. Watching from an upstairs window, Pilar's father witnesses the crestfallen Elvira. Incapable of allowing this injustice to continue any further, he sneaks Pilar some money and instructs her to escape and find the happiness she deserves. Pilar at once finds Elvira, and for a time, they rejoice in their reunion, openly displaying their affection in public. "It's not like it used to be", Elvira tells her, explaining that times have fortunately changed. But the difficult years have taken their toll, both physically and mentally. Though Pilar loves Elvira deeply, the memories of her ordeal will not quickly fade, and the scars again test their bond.

上映地区 西班牙
上映时间 2007-04-15
中文名 爱情保鲜
别名 electroshock
原始名称 爱情保鲜
国家 西班牙
地区 西班牙
外文名 a love to keep
子类型 剧情
导演 juan carlos claver
片长 98分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
英文名 a love to keep
语言 西班牙语
豆瓣短评数量 8
豆瓣长评作者 金钊溟
豆瓣长评数量 1
豆瓣长评时间 2017-03-20
豆瓣长评标题 历史的肥皂劇
  • carmen elias
  • julieta serrano
  • 剧情

    pilar and elvira,two teachers in spain during the waning years of the franco era,become friends,then roommates,then ardent lovers. but their blissful time together ends abruptly because during this period in spain,their love is illegal. when pilar's domineering mother discovers her daughter's sapphic propensity,she institutionalizes her,despite her father's objections,t...

  • 2006
  • 2007
  • 演员
  • gao@@@@@太伤感了。。。很幸运我们今天生活的社会已经足够包容和开放 个人年度最佳电影
  • live4it@@@@@这个背景应该是93年前把同性恋当成是精神病种类的社会里吧。。现在,还好,不是这样的社会。
  • 动物本能@@@@@从没看过这样的故事。大半故事都在suffering和抗争上。但是最后还是泪目了。是的,有些爱是点击也改变不了的。20150405
  • 尘埃里的茶@@@@@少了一星是因为它让我飙泪了,呵呵~尽管不是很喜欢悲剧,但这绝对是部不折不够的好电影
  • 阿辰@@@@@能不能让我看一部based on true story不那么depressive的啊。看著苍老也觉心酸= =。
  • 豆瓣短评
  • longer@@@2015-11-09@@@0@@@电击只是一种残酷的惩罚,根本改变不了一个人的真正喜好,更甭说要纠正性取向。剧情写实得来有些残忍,叫人不禁为两名女主叫屈。当年那种对待同性恋者惨无人道的折磨简直是文明社会一大耻辱,今人应引以为鉴,不再重蹈覆辙。毕竟,相爱本是美好的。
  • 动物本能@@@2015-04-04@@@0@@@从没看过这样的故事。大半故事都在suffering和抗争上。但是最后还是泪目了。是的,有些爱是点击也改变不了的。20150405
  • 尘埃里的茶@@@2012-07-04@@@0@@@少了一星是因为它让我飙泪了,呵呵~尽管不是很喜欢悲剧,但这绝对是部不折不够的好电影
  • 阿辰@@@2010-05-29@@@3@@@能不能让我看一部based on true story不那么depressive的啊。看著苍老也觉心酸= =。
  • 黑暗乘客@@@2012-09-18@@@0@@@这个片子太沉重了,封面看着挺欢乐的,但是几乎没有几处地方是让人开心的。电击疗法太恐怖了,绑起来放幻灯片,放到有女人的图片就电击,放到一男一女幸福家庭的图片就有舒缓的音乐,驯兽一样的条件反射刺激,让我想起发条橙来了。那个精神病医生简直是个纳粹一样的人物。