joe guse



joe guse,dr. joe guse is a former comedian from the pacific northwest, who performed around chicago for several years before deciding to go into psychology as a career. joe made this seemingly odd transition after working as an entertainer in nursing homes, where he found that there was a very strong relationship between laughter, resilience and healing.

中文名 joe guse
原始名称 Joe Guse
名称 joe guse
外文名 演员
导演作品 the tragic side of comedy
身份 演员
  • hollywood scandals
  • 人物传奇
  • 解剖:最后一小时 第一季
  • 演员作品
  • through the decades kurtis
  • the tragic side of comedy
  • 精选上位词
  • 影视明星
  • 明星