


Ansel Easton Adams (February 20, 1902 – April 22, 1984) was an American photographer and environmentalist, best known for his black-and-white photographs of the American West and primarily Yosemite National Park. For his images, he developed the zone system of photography, a way to calculate the proper exposure of a photograph. The resulting clarity and depth were characteristic of his photographs. His crystal clear images were also the result of his using the large format 8×10” film camera, which provided a maximum resolution, although it was among the most difficult cameras to use due to its large size, weight, set-up time, and film cost. However, it was typical of the lengths he would go to achieve his vision of perfection. He founded the Group f,64 along with fellow photographers Edward Weston and Imogen Cunningham, which was responsible for the founding of the Museum of Modern Art's department of photography. Adams' timeless and visually stunning photographs are constantly reproduced on calendars, posters, and in books, making his photographs widely recognizable. And as a result, his images are among the most significant and familiar contributions to the history of photography.

上映地区 美国
上映时间 2002-04-21
中文名 pbs.摄影大师.安塞尔.亚当斯
别名 摄影:锐不可当的艺术
原始名称 PBS.摄影大师.安塞尔.亚当斯
名称 pbs.摄影大师.安塞尔.亚当斯
国家 美国
地区 美国
子类型 纪录片
年份 2002
片长 100分钟
类别 电影
精选上位词 电影
语言 英语
豆瓣短评数量 61
豆瓣评分 8.3
豆瓣评论人数 240
豆瓣长评作者 豆豆
豆瓣长评数量 1
豆瓣长评时间 2017-07-27
豆瓣长评标题 痴迷荒野的男人
豆瓣长评赞数 3

for his images,he developed the zone system of photography,a way to calculate the proper exposure of a photograph. the resulting clarity and depth were characteristi...


ansel adams:a documentary film

  • ric burns
  • 里克·伯恩斯
  • 演员
  • carl pope
  • john szarkowski
  • jonathan spaulding
  • 安塞尔·亚当斯
  • 评论
  • fivestone@@@@@各种拔高恭维。拍石头不想政治化也是他,游说华盛顿也是他。对zone system多牛逼完全没提。还不如拍成带光路解构演示的摄影科普片。
  • ron@@@@@摄影人,真心不容易。天赋、精力、家人的支持,时运,缺了任何一个元素,都很难成为大家。作为普通人,摄影当作兴趣爱好,艺术修养,练习观察力的机会即可。
  • 哗啦啦@@@@@被黑白片子所吸引,那个时代的人活得更有质量。
  • 影迷董小长@@@@@20141209yl亚当斯从小到老的一生,简介式纪录片,对于其作品的分析很少,太多的恭维,亚当斯作为早期风光大师,其地位无可撼动,但过多的赞誉,并且很多都并非围绕作品本身,有点事后诸葛之嫌。难得的是,亚当斯为环保事业也做出了不少贡献。月出那幅经典作品的创作过程,应该更多点笔墨的。
  • 虾条@@@@@有如神一般的存在
  • 豆瓣短评
  • Cösti@@@2010-07-04@@@0@@@广度上加深了解
  • Die Katze@@@2014-11-27@@@1@@@one of the time
  • Shah™@@@2014-07-15@@@0@@@看了几次都看睡着了,很庆幸最后终于看完了
  • 荒人狗@@@2009-11-20@@@0@@@摄影课
  • 虾条@@@2012-05-29@@@0@@@有如神一般的存在
  • 豆瓣长评

    豆豆@@@2017-07-27 22:54:32@@@痴迷荒野的男人@@@3@@@我在克拉克山以西蜿蜒的山脊上攀爬,那是一个清晨,寒风凛冽,日光通透,片片长长的云羽,在高远素洁的天空上飘动。银色的光洒在每一根草上,每一粒沙上,泛出熠熠金属般的光泽。周遭万物,无论多么渺小,都沐浴在这明亮的风中,向通透明亮的天空,射出光芒之箭。在通往山脊嘎... (展开)@@@https://movie.douban.com/review/8700165/@@@https://img3.doubanio.com/icon/u139240349-6.jpg