peter doherty

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小档案 生日:1979年3月12日 出生地: Hexham, Northumberland, England 国籍:英国 身高:6英尺2英寸(大概1.88 m) 父亲: Peter Doherty (英国陆军少校) 母亲: Jacqueline Michels 姐姐: Amy Jo 姐姐: Emily 前女友: Lisa Moorish (音乐人) Kate Moss (模特) 儿子: Astile (有时候也拼作"Estile", 2003年出生) 现任女友:Irina Lazareanu(模特) 大学:伦敦大学英国文学系 主要专辑: The Libertines 主唱,吉他1996-2003 《Up the bracket》(2003) 《The libertines》(2004) Babyshambles 主唱,吉他 2003-present 《Down in albion》(2005) 《The blinding》EP(2006) 《Shotter's nation》(2007) 小简介 大方地逆向行驶、烟酒不离手、和英国超级名模Kate Moss的一段恋情、和乐团团员大打出手、视吸毒为创作音乐的必要元素,没错!这个大胆、狂妄、饶富庞克味道作风的新一代英伦坏小子,就是Pete Doherty。Pete这个极具才华同时又充满争议性的人物,早已让所有所有媒体及乐迷,以最高注目度在关心他的一举一动,更是让他成为报章杂志的头条话题!要认识Pete,就要从曾被誉为"英国当今最伟大摇滚乐队"的『Libertines』乐团说起。Pete Doherty和前好友Carl Barat合组『Libertines』,两人皆为乐团中不可或缺的灵魂人物,在2004出版了同名专辑之后,乐团开始大放异彩,但好景不常,因为Pete吸食毒品的不良习惯,让两位情同手足的团员随即闹翻,甚至演变到水火不容的地步,乐团在发行两张专辑之后就休止所有活动,即呈现半解散的状态。2005年Carl Barat另组『Dirty Pretty Things』,而Pete Doherty便带著吉他手Mick Whitnall、低音吉他手Drew McConnell和新鼓手Adam Ficek组了自己的乐队『Babyshambles』。 The quintessential rock star (with all the vices -- drugs, cars, and women -- to prove it), English bad boy Pete Doherty practically spent more of his time in the early 21st century in the tabloids than he did on-stage, his numerous arrests and run-ins with the law fodder for the paparazzi, fans, and critics alike. Born to a father in the British Army, Doherty passed much of his youth moving from place to place, both in England and abroad. An intelligent child and a good student, he immersed himself in books, especially Romantic and war poetry, even choosing to study English literature at university. He didn't stay long in the academic world, however, dropping out after a year and moving into a London apartment with guitarist and singer Carl Barat, whom he had recently met. The two, though they didn't always agree on everything, felt a kind of artistic connection, and were soon writing songs together, employing a variety of different characters (including a prostitute and a 70-year-old) to complete their band, which they called the Libertines. They finally settled on a lineup -- Doherty and Barat on vocals and guitars, John Hassall on bass, and Gary Powell on drums -- in the first years of the new millennium and were signed to Rough Trade in December 2001. Their first single, "What a Waste," was released the next year and was followed shortly after by the full-length debut, Up the Bracket. The Libertines were almost instantly hailed by critics as the best new thing in British music, and their kind of lyrics-first approach would later inspire acts like the Arctic Monkeys and the View. Despite the success of the Libertines, however, Doherty was just getting into his impressive drug habit (he later admitted addiction to both crack and heroin), which caused him to miss many of the group's shows. He made headlines in 2003 when, after Barat had asked the troubled frontman to take a break from the Libertines, he broke into his bandmate's apartment, an act which later sent him to jail for a month. Once released, however, the two made up, immediately playing a show together and planning for the Libertines' future. But all was not well with the singer and, still addicted to drugs, he entered a rehabilitation clinic in rural Thailand, where he stayed three days until escaping for Bangkok and eventually making his way back to England. At this point, he was estranged from his band, though they insisted they would welcome him back once he had cleaned himself up. It was around this same time that Doherty began to explore other musical options, playing solo gigs (allegedly for drug money) and also forming another band, Babyshambles, with guitarist Patrick Walden, bassist Drew McConnell, and drummer Gemma Clarke. The Libertines released their self-titled sophomore record in August 2004, but despite the critical praise it received, at this point they were all but defunct. Doherty's drug habit kept him in constant legal trouble, and his occasional efforts to stop never worked. However, his passion for music (and ability to make it) continued, and in August 2005 Babyshambles released the single "Fuck Forever" in anticipation for autumn's full-length, Down in Albion, which, although messy and unfinished-seeming, still showed promise of the brilliance Doherty could deliver. The following year Babyshambles, after some lineup changes, signed to Parlophone Records, which issued the Blinding EP in 2006. Doherty, of course, was still in and out of trouble and rehab, making tabloid headlines not only for his drug battles but also for his relationship with model Kate Moss, whom he had been dating (with some breaks) since 2005, and whom he would even claim he would marry. In April 2007, he reunited with Barat for a show, though no plans for a Libertines reunion were officially made. (更多)

原始名称 Peter Doherty
名称 peter doherty
国籍 英国
地区 欧美
类似歌手 相似艺人
精选上位词 歌手
翻唱 for lovers
风格 根源唱作人 singer-songwriter

hexham, northumberland, england

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